Chapter 03

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Today wasn't a good day for Yoongi: his mother woke up in a bad mood and screamed at the younger to wake up and, quote, "Move that lazy ass out of bed!". I understand that sometimes we are not in our best state, but this is no way to wake up your own son. And the saddest part? That wasn't the first time...

After that beautiful way of waking up, he dressed and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. But when he got to the door he heard his mother saying shit about him to his father. Imagine yourself being in this situation: having your own mother saying that you are worthless and a burdened. It hurts. It hurt Yoongi.
He decided not to go to the kitchen, so he left the house without making any noise. And with an empty stomach. He searched his wallet for some money, but the truth is, he had none. He didn't have money to eat. He didn't have money to eat breakfast and by logic, he didn't have money for lunch either. «It isn't the first time... I'll survive...», he thought. Sometimes the one that would save Yoongi from starvation would be Seokjin: he would make some sort of culinary experiment and would make the guys eat it. That saved Yoongi lots of times.

The guys knew that Yoongi's parents wouldn't support his dream. But they didn't know the way his parents would treat him sometimes. He didn't want them to know. He didn't want them to know about it because he didn't want them to pity him. He didn't tell anyone. And that killed him day by day... He swallowed all that and although he thought he was strong, even the hardest rock when applied repeated pressure ends up breaking. And Yoongi knew that, but he pretended that nothing was happening and that would never happen to him.

You may think that Yoongi hated his parents, but truth is, he didn't. He liked them a lot. You can even call it Stockholm Syndrome if you want, but he liked them. He would try to be a good student and not get his ass into trouble, so he wouldn't bore his parents, especially his mother that has a heart condition. He tried to be a very good son, but apparently, that wasn't enough. Well, he had his music! And the guys, of course.

He got to the school, went to class, set next to Hoseok, pretended to be interested in what the teacher was saying and so on. The usual. For his misfortune, Seokjin didn't have any crazy experiment for them so he didn't eat. The guys asked him if he wanted something, but he said no and made up an excuse of some sort of stomach-ache he had. After school, he went home.
He was expecting to eat something and then play the piano, but his mother was home. "What are you going to do?", she asked him in a harsh tone. «Guess she is still mad...», he thought. "I'm going to do my homework.", Yoongi told her in a low tone of voice, "I'll go to my room...". Yoongi silently went to his room, closed the door and put his backpack on the floor next to his desk. He sat on the chair. His stomach started to make some noise. He was starving.

He looked through the window. It was a nice day. The sun was starting to go down: the sky was adopting those beautiful warm colours that seem to embed you in a drunken state of tranquillity... In the horizon, the vivid yellow, followed by a rich orange, that changed to a smooth red and then to a breathless purple and finally, far away from the horizon, came the different shades of blue. Yoongi cried.
The sky was so beautiful. The tears were calm and were almost like someone put them there. His face wasn't contorted in some strange expression. No, he was calm. His pale skin was being tinted by the warmth of the colours of the sky, and his heart was as calm as the view he was seeing. He almost didn't notice that he was, in fact, crying.

After a while, he wiped the dry tears out of his face, took the books out of his backpack and started to do his homework. He calmly wrote what he had to write. When the light started to fade, he turned on the lamp he had next to him on top of the desk. He continued working. He was so out of this world that he had no idea what time it was. At one point he heard his parents laugh, but he continued with his homework. They weren't many, but he was making them so slowly...

When he finally finished them, he looked out of the window to realise it was pitch black outside. He got out of his room to find the house submerse in darkness. «What the hell...», he thought when he got to the kitchen and realized all was cleaned. He looked at the wall, the place where the clock was. «11: 37 pm...», his parents didn't call him for dinner.

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