Chapter 06

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Authors note: in this chapter is a description about the members. These are my words and my view of each. Please keep in mind it is not a criticism and just my interpretation of each one. I like and respect them all very much.


"I've been working with them for a few months now. They're really nice.", said Namjoon. "Jungkookie is auditioning next month. I think you guys should too. They are looking for new trainees."

Namjoon was working with an entertainment agency for a few months. He sent them a little mixtape and he was automatically called. Initially, his parents thought he was crazy, but he proved his parents that the music was the life he wanted to follow. And they believed in their son.
Jungkook talked with Namjoon about joining an entertainment company too: he always wanted to be a dancer. He didn't know each agency, but after Namjoon joined one, he made up his mind. His parents were very supportive of him: they loved their son and knew dancing and singing was an absolute part of him.

Jungkook's voice was romantic. Was a breathed voice. Very clear, nice to the ear, youthful. Maybe because he was young, but his voice sounded bright. It was a romantic youthful light voice — if that definition can actually be used. Jungkook's voice sounded like a door to another dimension: a place with no sorrow or worry. The type of voice you would love to wake up too...

"Jimin-hyung, you should come with me! Hoseok-hyung too!", Jungkook said. Jimin and Hoseok danced since they were kids, just like Jungkook. "I'm auditioning with dance and vocal. You two could audition as well!". Jungkook had this sparkle in his eyes. He really wanted his hyungs to go with him. 

Hoseok sings a little bit, but he was more into rap after meeting Namjoon and Yoongi. His voice was as his general personality: lifeful. Singing, normal rapping or savage rapping, Hoseok sounded full of life. Listening to him puts a smile on your face no matter what: it can be a sad smile, a soft smile or a full grin.

"Taehyung, you could audition with vocals!", said Seokjin. 

Taehyung had a very beautiful, mysterious and unique voice. His voice gave the same feeling as a warm cup of tea with a spoon of honey. The honey with its sweet taste that lingers in your tongue so smooth and rich. Then, after a while of that delightful sensation, a sip from the warm tea — not too sweet, not too bitter — covers the honey... The honey starts to melt and covers your entire mouth so softly, sensual even. Then, when you swallow, the mixture embraces your throat, warm, comfortable and breathtaking. That's how Taehyung's voice is...

Taehyung looked at his hyung with a blank expression in his face. "Why me? Why not you?", he asked. Seokjin blinked a few times. He wasn't really confident about his voice. He didn't think he could go as far as the younger ones. This feeling was stupid, actually, if I'm allowed to call feelings stupid.

Everyone has a different voice and the sensations that they pass are different. While Taehyung's voice was one of mistery, Seokjin's voice was more comfortable. Hearing to him gave a sense of reassurance and security. It felt like a fluffy blanket on a rainy winter night, similar to the feeling Namjoon passed while rapping – if he wasn't savage rapping, because in that case, Namjoon would rip your head from the rest of your body just by looking at it... But if not: it was comfortable, calm and embraceable. It felt like home: a safe place.

"I don't know, Taehyungie... I don't think I can...", said Seokjin with a bit of sadness in his tone. "Hyung, please don't talk like that. You're good!", said Jimin.

Jimin's voice has a bit more difficult to understand. Jimin gave everything while dancing and his emotions flew on stage, but his vocals were hard to read... It was filled with emotion as well, but it had a hint of sadness in it. Lovely, no doubt about that, but it seemed that he was containing himself while singing. But what he contained in his singing, he overfilled with his dancing. It was a beautiful combination. Maybe is a thing of classical dancers: they are taught to give all while performing, they seem to have an alter ego that appears only while dancing, and then, when the time comes that they have to speak, the words don't flow. They save them to the dance floor.

"I think all of you should go...", Yoongi finally spoke, "I think you're all very good. Go and try it.", they all looked at him surprised. "What about you, hyung?", Jimin asked. Yoongi laughed. Very dry, in fact. A painful smile painted his features. "My parents would kill me, Jiminie...", he whispered.

Unfortunately, Yoongi's voice sounded like him: heavy. His tone had a melancholic shade to it, but it also sounded angry. At others or at him? Not really sure. At life, maybe. Yet, you could hear strength as well. The strength that someday things would go right. His tone was beautiful; it was the opposite of Jungkook: the younger was the fantasy, the elder was the reality. And reality can't go on without irony, and guess what? Yoongi's tone had lots of that – when he goes on savage rapping mode, just run. However, his voice was also mysterious like Tehyung, but way, way darker. A voice you would like to fall asleep to — strong, velvety, pleasant.

"Think about it, hyung... I don't think they would say no to a good producer...", Namjoon told Yoongi while looking at his food. He didn't want to pressure the elder, but he knew he could go far.

Yoongi said nothing. He continued to eat his kimchi fried rice, as well as the others. They were having lunch in the school cafeteria.
The guys continued to talk about the audition and Namjoon told them a bit more about the agency and the people that worked there. Yoongi kept quiet.

After a minute or two, Yoongi felt a hand in his leg. He looked at his lap and gave a small, genuine smile. "Need help, Jiminie?", he whispered to his right side. Yoongi was at the end of the table and Jimin was next to him. They were sitting in a corner of the cafeteria, away from the confusion of the other students. "Me? No, but you do...", Jimin was brushing his fingers against Yoongi's thigh to soothe him a little. "I could use a bit of attention to distract myself...", Yoongi said, "But I won't use you like that...". Jimin smiled, "I don't mind, hyung...". Yoongi put his utensils down. He finished his food. He moved his hand to hold Jimin's and interlace their fingers together. "Hyung, if you ever need me, for whatever it is, I'll be here.". Yoongi felt like crying: he didn't think he deserved such a kind person to be so nice towards him. The elder said nothing: he just kept on holding Jimin's hand and caressing it.

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