Chapter 07

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All of them auditioned, except Yoongi. All got accepted, except Yoongi. Taehyung and Seokjin got accepted with vocal. Jimin and Hoseok with dancing. Jungkook with both. And Yoongi felt alone now.
Hoseok, whose father didn't want him to dance, congratulated him for being able to enter an agency. He knew that dancing was what his son wanted to do and he supported him.

It was Friday night. Yoongi was sitting behind his desk. He was looking out of the window. The night was starting to appear and a few stars could be seen next to the moon. A crescent moon. The representation of change. The representation of life and death. Or the representation of a smile, «Jiminie...»

He cried. And although he taught himself to cry in silence, he couldn't do that at that exact moment. He sobbed harshly.
"Yoongi?", his mother asked from the corridor. The crying was too much, he couldn't respond. His mother came to his door and called for her son again while opening the door. When Yoongi looked at her, he cried twice as hard and he could barely breathe. He shoved his face in his hands to try to hide from the world. He felt so ashamed at that moment. He wished to die.

His mother went to his side and hugged him tightly. "Yoongi, what's wrong?", her voice was shaky and almost cracked. She had never seen her son like this.
"Eomma...", was the only thing he could say before starting to sob again. His mother was freaking out. "Son, please calm down. Please, tell me what is going on...".

Yoongi's father entered the house at that moment and he immediately heard the crying. He got to the room and saw his wife holding his son. "What's wrong?", he asked. His wife gave him the most confused look as saying she didn't know. She had tears in her eyes: she was genuinely concerned. His father got near him, "Yoongi, tell us what's going on."

His mother loosens the hug a bit so she could look at her son. She took Yoongi's hands out of his face. "I'm sorry...", he said between sobs, "I'm such a bad son... I'm so sorry...". He started to cry again.

His mother holds him again now crying too. "Yoongi...", his father said while rubbing his back. "You said it yourself, eomma... I'm worthless and a burdened to you... I'm a bad son...", Yoongi's voice was muffled by his mother's shoulder, and he was still crying. His mother's heart seemed to have stopped at that moment: those words were said with a hot head. She had no idea Yoongi had heard her. She didn't remember them anymore. He looked at her husband in disbelieve: she wasn't looking for help; she was silently asking him how she could have said that about her son. She held Yoongi ten times harder. "Yoongi, I'm so sorry... I love you, sweety...", she said between sobs herself. Yoongi's father was cleaning his own tears now.

"I always try to make you proud... But it always seems that I'm not doing enough... How can I make you proud of me?", Yoongi was a wreck. He felt so tiny. He was a good student, he didn't get himself in trouble, he did what is parents asked... He didn't understand why his parents weren't proud of him! "I try my best... I study... I don't give you reasons to worry... Why aren't you proud of me?", he was a mess. His parents were both crying as well. Yoongi was always so calm; how could they imagine that he felt like that?

"I feel like dying... I just want to be happy...", he whispered while sobbing, "Eomma, why can't I be happy?". His parents felt terrible. They didn't know what to say! "Please, let me be happy...", Yoongi pleaded, "I'll make you proud of me... I promise... Just let me be happy..."

The night was dark now. The sky was filled with stars. The stars carry dreams and like the stars, some dreams die, others shine brighter.

"What makes you happy, son?", Yoongi's father asked him through a crying voice. Yoongi was tempted not to respond; he didn't know how his parents would react to his answer. "What makes you happy, Yoongi?", his mother asked this time.

Yoongi start crying a bit harder. "Music... But you don't want me to make it...", and he strongly sobbed again. His mother's blouse was soaked. His lungs felt like they would implode. It was so hard to breathe. His parents hold him for the longest time until he calmed down. His mother was rocking him like a baby. He felt exhausted after crying so much that he ended up falling asleep in his mother shoulder. His parents put them into bed, covered him and let him sleep.

They got out of the room and went to the kitchen. Yoongi's mother reheated the food and served two bowls. None of them said a thing. They just ate. Heavy silence involved them both. In the nearby room was their son: puffed eyes from crying and sobbing himself into exhaustion. A breathing wreck. A complete breathing broken wreck.

And Yoongi's mother cried half way through her food. Her husband put his spoon down and hugged her. Their only son that was sleeping in the nearby room just told them he wanted to die and that he was miserable. His parents felt horrible.

Yoongi's father looked at the piano at the end of the living room. Tears in his face, he just looked at it. "We haven't heard him play in the longest time...", he said to his wife. She looked up at him and followed his eyes until that brown piano in the corner of the other room. "I haven't heard him in years... He has been hiding it...", he said. "He has been hiding it from us...", his wife said very quietly. Yoongi's father looked at his wife, "I want my son back...".

As I said: crescent moon of change...

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