Chapter +

30 2 2

It has been a while. Yoongi was in his studio. He was recording himself rap for a new song he was producing.
His studio was filled with technology and sculptures that were displayed in shelves  the majority of them were black, but a few popped out with vibrant colours.

It was an off day: the company building didn't have a lot of people in it. It wasn't a comeback season so everyone could relax a little. But Yoongi liked to work, not that it was actually work for him: it was more as Yoongi's hobby. He didn't even know if the song he was producing was going to go in the album  most probably would end up next to the others in his unfinished folder.

It was raining a lot outside. Not that the boy could hear it, because his studio was soundproof. But Yoongi didn't even know: it was the second day he didn't leave the room. It was normal for him to lock himself in the studio for a few days; so normal that his couch was extremely comfortable for him to be able to have good hours of sleep in it. He had a pillow and a blanket so he could be better.

Yoongi had been working on that song for the entire day. It was a nice song: calm but not melancholic. He had changed his rap three times already because he felt something was missing.

Has he was in the middle of the recording, the bell sounded on his studio door. The sound ruined the recording, of course. That didn't make Yoongi happy, having in consideration he was actually enjoying how it was turning out.
A bit irritated, Yoongi paused and turned the microphone off. He got up from his black leather chair and opened the door.
"Hello, hyung. May I come in?", «Jiminie...», Yoongi thought. Jimin was a ray of light: he was wearing soft colour  some beige and white , very different from Yoongi that was in black from head to toe. The contrast between the two was accentuated by their features: Jimin looked very well rested and energetic, while Yoongi looked sleepy and worn.
The elder went inside to give Jimin room to get in. Jimin let his shoes outside, stepped in and closed the two doors that the studio had.

"Am I bothering you?", Jimin asked as he sat on the couch and  Yoongi on the chair. "No, you're not.". Jimin saw the computer was on with a track in it, "Were you recording?", "I was". Yoongi was serene. "Did I mess up your recording?", the younger asked. Yoongi didn't answer. He didn't want to say yes so he wouldn't hurt the boy, but if he said no, he would be lying; so he preferred to change the subject.

"What are you doing here?", "I came to see how you were. You didn't come home last night; I was worried.", Jimin said while looking at one of the sculptures in the shelf. "It's not like it was the first time I didn't go home. I thought you were used to it already".
Yoongi was a bit gloomy. His head hurt as well as his eyes. His patience was paper thin and he wasn't in the right mindset to talk. And Jimin got that. The younger got on his feet and as he was walking to the door under the close eye of the elder he said, "I'm sorry to bother. We'll talk later". And he got out. Yoongi didn't process right away what had happened; only a few seconds later he realised he made Jimin sad with his raw answer, «Fuck...». He was feeling idiotic: he drove Jimin away... Again that week.

Jimin was trying to get closer to Yoongi. They were having a break at the moment and it was the opportunity for them to stay closer. The comebacks were stressful and they didn't have much time.
But Yoongi wasn't okay: his head wasn't okay and Jimin could see that.

Let me explain to you something about the dark side of the mind: we all have it, but the majority of people has a little. Some have a lot. Yoongi has a lot.
Even though there are doctors and, in some cases, pills to help with that dark side, you don't get cured: you numb that side of your mind, you don't extinguish it. From time to time, the full potential comes to pay a visit and it's not nice.
And for the past week and a half, that damn dark side was paying a visit to Yoongi.

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