Introductions and News

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(Above is Ellie's outfit)

I stared uncertainly at my target. My mother, Queen Elsa, warned me that my icy powers would only get worse, but I refuse to let Fairy Godmother take them away. My deadline was in two days, but I was adamant in my decision. 

"Just focus, Ellie." my mother said softly. "You can do it."

I'm not sure I can. But I will try. I thought. I take a deep breath then sent a flurry of sharp icicles towards the red-and-blue target. I missed the bulls-eye, but still hit the actual canvas. I cheered and threw my hands in the air in celebration. Ice shoots out of my hands and into the sky. 

"INCOMING!" yells my guards, rushing forward to throw their shields over me and my mother as the shards came flying back down. I pushed them away after the danger had passed and kicked the melting ice. I had been so close to proving everyone wrong! I feel tears coming to my ice-blue eyes and wiped them away before they could freeze. I shake my long white-blonde hair off my shoulders and stomp away. I know my mother wanted me to take my powers away. But I have to keep them! Almost no one had magic in Auradon anymore. I didn't want to be in that circle. In my book, magic was amazing.

I walked down my mother's castle grounds, getting into a car to take me to school. I wasn't about to miss school just so I could sulk!

Once the car got there, I slipped her blue gloves on. I hate wearing them, because I actually like how my hands look. I have what people call "princess fingers". I never understood that, but I like it anyway. Besides, the gloves had been carefully crafted so that no cold could ever get out or in. My fingers were always clammy whenever I took them off! And they almost never matched my outfit. Auradon was sunny! Gloves were a no-no. 

I sighed and got out of the car. My black knee-high boots clacked against the cement as my deep blue dress swayed in the wind. I pulled her denim jacket around myself more. Why do I get cold so easily? And yes, people always teased me that the cold did bother me.  Don't you dare sing the song.

I went into class and noticed everyone whispering feverently. Confused, I sat down at my usual seat next to Jane. Jane was a good friend, but severely insecure about how she looked. She had ice-blue eyes like me, but chocolate-brown hair cut in a bob past her ears. I tap her shoulder. 

"Jane! What's going on? Did Chad get another girlfriend or something?" I joke. 

She turns to me and gives a small smile. "No, Elicia. Have you not heard? Ben made his first official proclamation!"

"He did? Already? But he's not king yet!" I scoff. I like Ben, but he's a tad nicer than he needs to be. He probably picked some pity project.

Jane glances around then leans in close. "He's picking four kids from the Isle and bringing them here."

"The Isle?? As in, The Isle of the Lost??" I almost yelp. Jane nods.

"I'm not sure which four...Mom won't tell me." Jane says mournfully. 

I lean over to my other side, where Audrey sits. She's a huge brat, but she's Ben's girlfriend. Maybe she'll know. I tap her shoulder and she throws her brown hair over her pink dress to glare at me. "What do you want, Ice Queen?" she scoffs. 

I ignore the comment. I've gotten good at that. "Do you know the four kids who'll be coming? From the Isle?"

She gives me a smug look, pleased to know something I don't for once. (I'm a bit of a nerd. A bit!) "As a matter of fact, I do! I don't know their names, I wouldn't dare. But the parents are Cruella De Vil, Jafar, Evil Queen, and..." She pauses and glances around. "Maleficent."

"Maleficent! What is Ben thinking?" Jane squeals. "That kid will murder you!"

Audrey pouts, sticking her lip out. "Benny-boo won't let her. Will, you Benny?" She says the last part louder as Ben comes over. 

Ben shakes his head. "You were supposed to keep all of this secret, Audrey!" He waves to me and Jane. I wave back, and a bead of sweat trickles down my wrist from my stupid gloves. Jane just gives a weak smile and tries to hide behind her bob cut.

Audrey gives a sweet smile to Ben. "I'm just worried, Benny-boo! These kids are bad news."

"Everyone deserves a second chance." Ben insists. He looks pointedly at me and I flush red. It's no secret how my mom started out. Even almost killing Aunt Anna! Mom hates going places that are crowded, away from Arendelle. She barely agreed to let me come to school. But that doesn't say anything about my mother. She's the most kindhearted person ever! She's almost annoyingly loyal to her family. She'd never hurt anybody on purpose, and yet she's one of the few heroes that almost got sent to the Isle with everyone else!

I agree with Ben, though. "Maybe their kids aren't so bad." I tell Audrey.

Elicia's Ice-A Descendants Novel BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now