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Lya, Veris, Deks and Zill still in a cave
Lys is holding the golden dagger of drowning for that guy from a few chapters back. This dagger deals 1d4 + 2 and can make people cough up water. Apparently you can light the dagger on fire. Deks takes a blue flag with crossed hammers that is embroidered with gold. It's a dwarven flag. We go back to the city. Nulara is terrified of how we look. We are covered in bruises cuts and spider webs. We go to the east of the city where we can take a bath. It's early in the mourning and just is opening. There's a human that owns the bath house.
They take a bath and wash their clothes. Then we go back to the guild and go to sleep. It's 5 am and now it's 1 pm. Deks is trying to pickpocket a rich looking drow in he feeding area. She sneaks up behind to steal the dagger. It's hidden in his tunic. As she reaches in he whips around and grabs her wrist. He looks angered. She lies. He looks her up and down. "Learn yo keep hands to yourself" he says to her. Deks asked him about the mysterious dagger she got a few chapters back. While this occurs everyone is just eating breakfast. This dude is so condescending. We're done taking to that jerk. So we talk to nalura about the whereabouts of Abbon. He's probably at the market. At the north of the city. It take forty minutes. There's lots of humans and rakshashas in the market. Lya being the shortest spots abbots legs because she's too short to see over the crowd. We walk over to him. He's tending a stall. He's selling weapons. Near the end of the market. I hand him the dagger he hands us a pouch of gold. It contains 1000 gp. We go back to the guild. Nalura gives us a purple stone that can teleport us to guild halls. It's magic. WOOOOO. It doesn't work perfectly. It only works when you tap it to the stones in the guild hall. We each get a purple traveling stone. We arrive in Lonks guild. He tells us a wizard is in search of a special amulet. Lonk says we need to wait a day to talk to him. We go into town to the market. The amulets flashing. And clouds are swirling. Storms are building and sand is building up. The symbol on both our amulets is not longer a snake. It's. an. Egg. Dex and Lya walk into a amulet shop, the owner looks mortified. He mutters the end of the millennium. It's referred to as the semblance of god. It's the choosing of gods. The most powerful gods fight each other for sports to stay a god. Veris attempts a jig. AGAIN. She falls on her ass. AGAIN. Zill and Lya both facepalm. THERE ARE LOTS OF TYPES OF GODS I CANT WRITE THEM ALL DOWN AAAAAAAAAAAAH. the egg was the god of life cemuarya the god of survival. We leave and Dex goes to sell 2 daggers. Daggers sell for 2 gp. Dexs goes watch shopping. Dexs shook hands with the watch merchant. A blue circle appears and fades on her wrist. It's a line of fate. Their paths are bound and intertwined. The watch has been passed down for years and the original god still holds it. Ot hasn't changed in 5 millennium. The watch merchants name is brom. We head back to guild hall. The wizard Dex takes to earlier is taking to Lonk. The wizards name is Muragh. We are going to find his amulet. Dexs is flabbergasted. He stares at Dexs. Dex stares back. There is a special cave located in the south of the Olson that is hard to find. He needs us to go there and get the amulet. Cobalts are definitely in the cave. Hey are waltzing in the cave. We sleep.

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