Chapter 7

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Jade had a few more memories in the days that followed. They were mainly things of her family though. It made sense. After all, you spend the most time with your family. But besides the memory at the restaurant, they weren't any more involving me. It stung, but I knew she couldn't help it. Every time I saw her I asked if she remembered anything new. You could say I was obsessed with it. It got to a point were Norma had to tell me to stop and wait it out, that it was a miracle that she remembered in the first place and that I should be happy with what I had. She was probably right, but what she didn't know was that a had a very good reason to ask her every time. If she started getting more memories back then she would eventually remember the night of the crash too. She would remember that I told her I liked her. What if she would think I was weird because of it? I was afraid that she'd tell others about it, and leave me. Then I would lose her as a friend too. I knew she said we were fine before, but that was before she ended up in the hospital. What if she had changed her mind about it? I went to walk in the park, my music plugged in and the volume high, drowning out the noises around me. Trying to find some peace in my never sleeping brain. I had always been the type of person to overthink everything, even stupid things that didn't matter. Even when I'd go to bed my head would still be up processing things that happened during the day and making scenarios of things I could've done better or said differently that day. There was never a break. So I tried to make some breaks myself sometimes, where I would do nothing, or just one simple thing, like listening to music or reading, and only focus on that, thinking of nothing else. Normally I preffered louder more enrgetic music. But today I wanted calmth. So I listened to some classic music. "Gymnopedie nr. 1" by Erik Satie. It gave some space in my otherwise noisy train of thoughts. But I didn't pay attention to anything else. Untill I felt a sudden pain in my Temple. The pain made me feel so dizzy I had to sit down. Then a saw what hit me, it was a frisbee. What a stupid way to get hurt I thought. A little boy came up to me. "I'm so sorry miss, I didn't mean to hit you" He stuttered. "Don't worry about it" I groaned, bringing my hand to my temple, only to feel a warm sticky substance. "You're bleeding" the little boy paniced looking like he was about to cry. An older man, presumably the boys father, ran towards us. "I told you I'm fine" I moaned stubbornly as I tried to stand up again. "No, I'll call an ambulance" the man said. That's when I lost conciousness.

When I woke up I found myself in a hospital bed. "So you've finally woken up" A nurse said. "How long was I unconcious?" I asked, still feeling a little numb. "I'd say for at least 30 minutes, but the doctor anesthized you anyway so you wouldn't wake up during your cure. You already got your stiches" the nurse casually informed me. "Wait I needed stiches? How many?" I asked suprised. "7" she answered. A thought occured me and I chuckled. "What's so funny dear?" the nurse asked. "Oh it's just that my friend was in here about a month or so ago. She had a head injury as well" I chuckled. For some reason I thought it was funny. Maybe because of the narcotics. "her name is Jade Thirlwall. Do you know her?" I chirped. "Oh I know her, she was the girl with the memory loss. I'm so glad she recovered early. Are you Jesy?" The nurse said. "Yes I am. Well, only partly, she has very few memories still" I corrected her. "What? No, she told me a lot about you." the nurse chatted. "What really?" I sat up straight. " Yes, she wouldn't stop talking about you and all the things you two did together. She also had some doubts about coming out to you because you already admitted to liking her. Did you guys solve it yet?" The nurse happily chattered on, no longer paying attention to me. "When can I go home?" I asked the nurse. I had to talk to Jade right now. "In a minute darling your mother is on her way" she assured me.

After a while my mother came and we got in the car. "Are you sure you're okay?" my mother asked for the 487531th time. "Yes mum I feel perfectly well" I reassured her, again. "Mum? Can we take a quick stop at Jade's?" I asked. I hadn't forgot what I heard in the hospital and I wanted an explanation. "Uhm, sure it's on the way anyway. hey, way and anyway, that's funny" My mum laughed. I didn't think it was that funny. My mind was somewhere else. We stopped i  front of the door of the Thirlwall house. I knocked on the door loudly and rang the bell at the same time. I knew she was home. Norma opened the door. "Hello Jesy, what happened" she asked worriely looking at my stiches. "It's nothing don't worry about it. Where's Jade?" I said going straight to the point. "She's in her room, Should I get her?" Norma asked. "No, I'll go myself" I said stomping towards Jade's room. "Hi Jess, how are you" Jade said suprisedly as I entered her room. "Do you remember me?" I growled. Jade sighed. "Jesy, you know, I have a few memories, but-" "Oh, cut the crap Jade I know you're lying"I angrily snapped at her. Her face fell. "W-why would you think that?" she stuttered. "Your nurse told me allllll about it"I spat. "Jesy, i'm so sorry" Jade whispered, looking like she was about to burst into tears. "Sorry for what? Lying to everyone? Or just lying to me?" I sneered sarcasticly. I wasn't just angry, I was hurt, and the hurt only fueled my anger. "I meant to tell you, I-I" Jade sobbed. "Oh Really? When? How many times were you planning to let me cry myself to sleep over it before telling me?" I fumed. "I-I don't know... I-I just..." She cried. "Just why" I hissed. "Jesy please, I-" Jade mumbled. "I said, why" I yelled. "Because I was afraid you'd bring up that night" Jade muttered. "Why" I hissed. I was across my borders. I felt no compassion whatsoever right now. "Because of what you told me" she whispered looking at the ground. "So, you pretending not to remember me because you were ashamed of me? Is that what you're implying? Because I like you? " I sneered. "No, it's not that it's just..." She mumbled silently crying. "Well? What is it then? What was so important that you lied to everyone for weeks" I spat. Jade whispered something I couldn't understand. "Well? Why did you lie to me? Why did you hurt me like that? why?" I started screaming again. "Because I love you allright!" Jade screamed, and then started sobbing again. "Oh, I get it, you didn't tell me because you're ashamed of it isn't it" I whispered scowling at her. She remained silent. I didn't wait for a response. "I'm leaving. I don't want to see you again. For real this time" I hissed before leaving the room. I sped past Norma, but she stopped me anyway. "Jesy, what was going on up there?" she asked worriedly. "Didn't you hear?" I asked blankly. She shook her head, I heard you two yell at each other, but I didn't understand what you were saying" she said. "Good" I sighed and walked away at a quick pace.

Author's note
Wow! Plot twist! Who could've seen that coming? Oh wait, I did because I wrote it😏. I really need better humor. But damnnnnnn we ended on a depressing note again. Hopefully they will make up to each other... See you later!

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