Chapter 13

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Perrie immediatly pulled us in a hug as soon as we arrived. "Karl told me everything. Are you guys okay" she asked. Jade nodded quietly. "Thank you for letting us stay here" I sighed gratefully. "No problem, that's what friends are for" she answered. "Sit down, I'll grab you something to eat" she said rushing off to the kitchen. I sat down on the sofa and looked at the clock. It was only 10:42. Perrie's parents left two hours and twelve minutes ago. I had been here so many times that I knew their schedule. Then I looked over at Jade. She looked really upset. Perrie came back with a box of biscuits and a kettle of green tea. A bit of a smile appeared on Jade's lips upon seeing the biscuits. Perrie noticed it too. "I knew that would cheer you up" she said. "So what exactly happened then?" she asked. "I Didn't you say Karl told you?" I observed. "Only the big lines" Perrie responded. "Well, let's just say Jade's mum didn't take it very well that we are a couple."I sighed. "Yeah, that I know, but I want to know more about you if that's okay. You two are together at last and your girl needs details" she laughed. "Ow er... I don't really know. We just kinda, made up after the fight and then we became a couple I guess" I stuttered awkwardly. "That's a crazy romantic way of expressing it" Perrie laughed. "You know I suck at exploitatie stuff" I laughed too, glad she managed to change the subject. "But seriously though, you were so shy about it and scared to tell her and look at you now, I'm so happy for you" Perrie chirped. "I hate to admit it but you were right indeed about that one" I admitted shyly. "Awww my besties fell in love" she sighed. "We're not the only besties who are in love you know" Jade laughed. "Yes, Leigh-Anne has found her new flame" I added. "Really who?" Perrie gasped. "So she doesn't want to talk about it yet, but his name is Andre and she is head over heels for the guy" I laughed. "Whoa love really is in the air" Perrie laughed. The entire conversation felt forced. It was forced, but I didn't care, I didn't want to think of what just happened. The front door opened. "Just need to grab something" Debbie Edwards quickly said prodeeding to head to her room. Then she noticed us. "Well well well, so that's what happens when I'm off to work" She laughed. Jade looked down at the ground. I knew what she was thinking. I stroked her hand with mine. Jade's phone started buzzing all of a sudden. Jade picked up and froze. I could already guess who was on the phone. "No... yes, I am with Jesy... I don't care, she is my girlfriend wether you like it or not... No, it's not... You know what mum? You're wrong. And I'm not coming back untill you can accept me for who I am." She growled and ended the call. In a matter of seconds she broke down crying. "Jade..." I moved closer to her and held her in my arms. "It's okay, I'm here it's gonna be okay" I comforted her. "Its just" she sobbed. "I've never said something like that to my mum in my whole life before. My mum has always been there for me. And now she is suddenly so... Against me or something" she cried. "She isn't against you Jade. She still loves you" I hushed. "No, instead she blames you and I don't want that" she hiccuped. Debbie came downstairs with a bag in her hand. "Allright found what I need... What happened, Jade why are you crying?" Debbie looked at us in worry and confusion. Perrie signaled her mum to sit down and told explained the situation to her. "Oh... I see. I could try to talk to Norma, see if I can change her mind" Debbie proposed. "Maybe" Jade sighed. "I've got to get back to work now, you can stay over if you want to, but if your mothers tell you to go home then you will okay, I won't come between their education, even if I dissagree" Debbie said standing up and grabbing her bag. "I hope it all goes well" she said before closing the door. "It's all the strucks fault. If that thing didn't hit me we might not have been here hiding from my mum" Jade sighed. "You know you're mum's behaviour isn't the trucks fault you know" Perrie said. "I'd rather blame it on the truck" Jade murmurred. "If I was a boy she wouldn't've had a problem with me" I speculated. "I don't want you to be a boy" Jade told me. "Why not" I asked. "Because you would never be as beautiful" Jade smiled giving me a peck on the lips. I gave her a kiss on the cheek in return. I noticed Perrie looking at us. "Oh, sorry, should I look away or.." she stammered. "Nah it's fine" I smiled.

Author's note
Soooo I know this was a boring and shitty chapter, but hey I'm out of my writers block so yay! I appreciate the fact that I got this far with this book and people still like to read it. That makes me happy 😊. I think I'm going to write two or three more chapters and then I'll finish this one. Thank you for reading, bye!

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