Chapter 15

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I was so sick of it. So sick of everything. So sick of certain teachers giving me weird looks, so fed up with people whispering things behind my back and avoiding me. People would be talking and as I approached, they'd stop and give me a harsh silence. Why were people like this? What had I done wrong to them. Just by being me? Jade, Perrie and Leigh-Anne were still there for me, although we all knew it was only a matter of time before Jade had to leave. A boy looked at me in the hallway on his way to class. He looked at me from head to toe and scoffed "as if you're worth all of this commotion" and walked on. I didn't even answer anymore. What was the use? I knew it wouldn't matter. I've been bullied before. They'll always find a reason to scold you, so why care. I dragged myself trough the lessons untill the schoolday was finally over. I found Jade quickly. We gave each other a hug, not more than that, because otherwise we'd get even more nasty reactions. "How are you" I asked. "I'm okay" Jade muttered. "Could be better. You?" "About the same" I replied. We talked for a while untill we heard a loud honk. It was Norma looking extremely pissed. Jade gave me a sorry look and proceeded to walk to the car, when two guys dragged us around the corner of the building. "What the-" "Don't panic! We're friends" a girl cut me off before I could finish my sentence. "It was Perrie's idea, here put these on" she continued, handing me and Jade a rainbow coloured shirt. I looked around me and saw a few other kids put on plain shirt with a rainbow on it. Perrie and Leigh-Anne came to us too. "What's going on?" Jade asked confusedly. "Well, not to be rude or anything, but Jade, we think your mum is being an ass moving you away just bevause you love a girl sooo rebelation!" the girl said.  I looked over at Leigh and perrie, who gave me a meaningful look. "You guys did this?" I asked. They nodded. I was startled. So many people did this for us. Not everyone went along, but I only saw the ones who did. "Is this a protest against my mum" Jade laughed awkwardly. "I guess so" I answered. As Jade and I walked to Norma's car, hand in hand I felt  the other students marching beside me, it gave me new confidence, new energy, more faith in humanity. It felt awesome. "Jade, what the hell is this? Get inthe car" Norma demanded. "I'm sorry mum, but I don't want to" Jade murmurred apologeticly. I gave her a little nudge as a way of saying "be more confident".  A girl with long blonde hair came forward, I had seen her on school before, her name was Aurora and I had heard she always had astonishing grades for science and biology. I had never spoken to her in person before, yet she stood up for me. "Dear mrs. Thirlwall, We heard about the fact that Jade will  have to move school because she's gay. And ofcourse, though you have the right to have your own opinion on the matter, we thought it was rather unreasonable and unfair. That is why we set up this parade for Jade and Jesy. We prepared thge whole thing behind their backs so your daughter didn't even know about it up untill now. We all love Jesy and Jade for who they are and their romantic preferences shouldn't matter. So please, do consider changing your mind" she spoke. Once again I was impressed , she could speak so beautifully, and  she did that for us! Norma Thirlwall stepped out of her car. "Young lady, as poetic as your speech may sound, there is a reason why only a man and a woman can reproduce. Nature never meantto have it this way" she answered. "But isn't that what makes it natural?" Jade suddenly protested. Norma turned to her suprisedly. "What do you mean" she asked sounding a little less angry. "look at the world mum, nothing is perfect, everyone has their own flaws and insecurities, the key to it is to accept them and turn them into your strength. That's what you always told me right? There are so many animals out there that can be gay. Cats , dogs, giraffes, even ducks can be gay, and none of them care. They like it that way. Out of all species there's only one creature that is afraid of it. It's not an illness mum, it's a part of who I am, it has no impact on my behaviour or my health, but it might if you prevent me from being myself. I am happy this way. Please?" Norma looked startled and stared at her daughter. There was a long and tense silence. Norma closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, something had changed. "Okay, if it makes you happy, you can see.. Jesy. I'll just look away when I need to" Jade ran to her mother and gave her a hug repeatedly thanking her. When she walked back to me Norma turned to me. "Jessica Louise Nelson. If you ever force my daughter into something or hurt her in any way, I will go back on my decisions. Am I clear?" I nodded, unable to stop smiling."Come on now kiss" someone in the crowd yelled. Anither voice repeated him and soon the whole crowd chanted for us to kiss. I just laughed. "Shall we then?" Jade laughed. "Yes" I said pressing my lips on hers.

Author's note
Hey people! Whoa, I can't believe we're almost at the end now, all that's left to make now is the epilogue. Btw did you know male giraffed have gay orgies together lmao. Thanks for reading and once again, see you next time😘

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