Chapter 12

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"I think I'm going to tell my mum about our relationship" I said out of the blue. We were all cuddled up in Jade's bed for a movie night. "You are?" Jade sounded suprised. "Yeah, I'm already out to jer anyway, she won't mind. I've always told her everything and I don't feel the need to hide this so why not" I shrugged. "If only it were that easy for me" She sighed. "Are you sure she's homofobic?" I asked. "Whenever something gay on tv comes pn she immediatly switches the channel. Being gay isn't normal, it's something in your head she says. If I tell her god knows what she'd do to me" Jade whimpered. "You're thinking too negative about it" I comforted her. Jade shook her head. "I'm not, I am legitimately terrified" Jade replied. "Jade, you know that night when you had the accident, I know you don't like to bring it up, but your mum, she was so stubborn to see you, believe me I would've been scared of her if I were a doctor" I chuckled. Jade looked up at me. "She stayed in the hospital all night with you" I went on. "Not for a second she left your side, during your entire recovery she was by your side. Trust me, if I know one thing for sure, it's that she loves you more than anything" I assured her. "Maybe... I might drop some hints and see how she reacts" Jade proposed. "You could try that indeed" I responded. "I'm tired. Shall we go to sleep?" Jade yawned. I nodded and we snuggled together. I held her soft warm body against mine like she was a teddy bear. In a way she was, she was addicting. Sooner or later I wouldn't be able to sleep if I couldn't hold her. In my head I was already imagining scenarios of Jade and I being an old couple, looking back at the decades we had spent together. That we could say one word and the other would know the entire story behind it. That's how I wanted my life to go. With Jade by my side.

When I woke up Jade was already awake. "How long have you been awake for" I whispered. "A while" she replied. "You were allowed to wake me up you know" I chuckled. "Nah, I wanted to let you sleep. Your breathing is very relaxing" she giggled. God she was so cute. I sat up straight and stretched out yawning out loud. "I fancy some breakfast" I said. "Yeah me too, let's go downstairs" We came in the kitchen, where Norma was enjoying a cup of coffee. "Goodmorning mum" Jade chirped as she opened the cupboard to take out some bread and marmelade. "Goodmorning sweety did you guys have a good night sleep?" Norma yawned. We sat down and I started started making myself a sandwich. "Sooooo mum, there are these two boys in our grade..." Jade carefully started. "Grade? But it's summer vacation" Norma laughed. "Yeah but we still have contact on instagram" Jade lied. "Ow I get it, you like those boys don't you. Sooo what are their names" Norma asked. "Jared... And... Jason" Jade lied. I knew where she was going. We didn't know anyone by those names. Jade was reffering to us! "So? Do you like them" Norma repeated her question. "They're gay. A couple you could say" Jade stuttered. "Oh god it's like it's contagious" Norma sighed. "Well I think they're quite cute together" Jade responded. I quietly took another bite of my breakfast. "No you don't, it's not right. It's all in their heads. Sooner or later they'll realise it's wrong." Norma stated. "And what if they don't? Maybe it's just who they are" Jade said quietly, I could sense she was getting angry. "Who they are! Jade are you hearing yourself? It's not a part of yourself it's a kind of mental illness or something caused by tv and social media convincing you you're something you're not" Norma spoke firmly. "No it's not it's love and love is beautiful in any form" Jade started to raise her voice. I put my hand on Jade's hand in an attempt so calm her down, with no result. "I don't know what kind of twisted love story you have in mind but that isn't love" Norma continues already sounding quite pissed herself. "Yes it is mum! Everyone knows it except for you!" Jade shouted and stood up now. "Jade" I whispered and stood up too. "Who are these boys anyway and why do you care so much about them" Norma shouted.
IT'S ME! "Jade screamed. Norma seemed to be taken aback by what she just heard, and Jade didn't wait for her to respond." Mum, I'm in love with Jesy. I am not sick in my head and nothing is wrong with us we are happy this way!" She continued, holding my hand tightly. Norma Thirlwall looked horrified as she looked at her daughter in shock. Then her gaze turned to me, turning dark. "You, you told her that didn't you" she said pointing her finger accusingly in my direction. "You and your bad influence" she continued. "Mrs. Thirlwall I swear I didn't to anything" I tried to talk myself out of it, but Norma grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the door. "First you yell at her, then you brainwash her into believing these delusional things what else have you done to her? Well it ends now. You're staying away from my daughter" she went on. "Mum stop it's not Jesy's fault!" Jade shouted and followed us. Norma pushed me out of the front door onto the street and slammed the door shut. Inside I heard Jade and her mum yell at each other. I felt tears building up in my eyes as it dawned on me what just happened. Norma trhew me out. I wasn't allowed to come near Jade again. I couldn't see her again. Panic rose in my chest. I ran home as the tears started streaming down my face. "Jesy? What's wrong what happened!?" My mother me worriedly as I came home. "J-Jade" I sobbed. "What about Jade what happened?" my mum insisted. Aftera lot of sobbing, hiccuping and crying I finally managed to blurt it out. "Jade's mum forbids me from
s-seeing Jade again b-because I-I'm gay" I cried. "Oh no she did not" My mother growled. She stood up and grabbed her car keys. "Get in the car, I'm going to tell that woman what I think of her little statement" she hissed. I got in the car. Mum wasn't just angry, she was outraged. I could tell by how she clutched onto the steering wheel and how she was grumbling quiet insults to the person that hurt her child. She banged on the door. Norma opened it almost looking suprised at seeing my mom. "How dare you prevent my daughter from seeing Jade again" she roared. "Jessica is a bad influence for Jade, she led her into believing she's in love with her" Norma yelled back. "Well maybe your daughter is gay and you fail to accept it!" My mother screamed. "You just go along with your Jesy's twisted fantasies because you refuse to admit she's broken!" Norma's words hit me like a knife. My mum saw they did, and it only made her more angry. "Don't you dare call my daughter broken! If there's one broken person here it's you, who's still living in the previous century where homosexuality is seen as an illness!" "Because it is!..." I placed my hands over my ears. I didn't want to hear them fighting any longer. I lookef away and noticed someone looking at me. Karl? He signed my to come over. I quietly stepped away from the fighting mothers. "I already snuck Jade out of the house. She's waiting in the car, I'm bringing you to Perrie "he whispered. I just nodded.  I stepped into the car and saw Jade. We immediatly hugged each other tightly." I'm so sorry Jesy this is all my fault" Jade cried. "It's not. You couldn't've predicted this" I told her. "But I did, I knew she's homofobic I shouldn't have blurted it out like that" Jade sobbed. I held her close ans stroked her hair. "We'll find a way. Don't worry" I whispered as Karl drove us to Perrie.

Author's note
Yay, I posted a long chapter again. I'm proud of myself. What happened is a little less yay though... Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you in the next one!

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