Chapter 5

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"Did you see how hot the new teacher is?" Exclaimed Cheryl all enthusiastic. I could see she has thankfully forgotten my ogling Billy earlier yoday.

"Yes, Mr Roston is hot," I said simply.

That turned out to be a mistake. Her head shot up to shoot daggers with her eyes at me. "What is it with you today? You had the hottest guy for the whole 45 minutes showering his attentions on you...and you look like you don't care."

She was right. I should have been squelling in excitement for having been the first few lucky girls to share a class with the new hottie. But I didn't seem to care. My thoughts have been revolving all day around a certain other hottie. Billy! Just as it had been over the past few ...years.


I shook my head clear and tried to concentrate on what Cheryl was saying. But she was now looking expectantly at me. Did she just ask a question?

"Huh?" I said hopefully.

She sighed, then repeated herself," I said how was his class?"

"Claude's a temp filling in for Mrs Hughs who's gone on maternity leave," I said eagerly trying to avoid a catastrophe. If she found out just where my thoughts have been all day...year. I'd be in trouble.

"Are you alright?" She asked me suddenly with a concerned look on her face.

"Huh?" I stared back at her uncomprehendingly then blurted out," He's Italian and speaks with a heavy accent... and I think he hated my book report."

"So how do you know he hated your report," Cheryl asked slowly as if speaking to a dumb... blond. I was a brunette.

"He called my report 'the most appalling effort in the history of book reports'," I explained with a sigh then regretted having said as much when Cheryl's loud infectious laugh broke out across the cafeteria. I glanced about at all eyes drawn to our table and saw that he was looking too. I slowly felt myself flush red under his scrutiny. Damn Billy!

I tore my eyes away and grabbed up my burger to bite into it. I chowed down hard and munched even harder. I needed to get out of here and quick.

I had an overlong lunch break for my next lesson was pottery and to will away the time I was usually in the library. I made my farewells to Cheryl with promises to catch up with her the next day and brief her in on more about Claude.

I rushed off to my locker to replace the books from my last lesson and grab a small bag with my pottery things.

I turned to leave and saw that the corridors were eeriely silent. I picked up pace and headed towards the library but then a blur of movement had a hand clamped over my mouth and a barrel hard chest pressed into my back. I struggled uselessly against the hold till a door opened up and I was shoved in to the utility room.

I spun around in the darkness to confront my attacker... instinctively knowing just who he was.


But that was all I managed before his lips landed hungrily on mine. I put up some resistance and even pressed up the palms of my hands uselessly against his chest but all he did was slip his hand up to entangle his fingers in my hair and wrench my head back. I opened my mouth to protest and he slammed his tongue to tangle with mine. I retaliated by gripping his hair and hoisting myself up and onto his hips. We kissed...and kissed some more as if we couldn't get enough of each other. His hands gripped my hips to hold me tighter against him and then I shifted my grip on him raising my legs up higher linking my ankles about his waist so that his hands could be free. Free to roam freely on my person.

I moaned at each brush, rub, squeeze and pinch that he lathered over me, and held on tighter. His lips worked mine bruisingly never really relenting or releasing mine for enough air. So that when the bell rang we pulled apart panting..

My first kiss... and the idiot took it... so unromantically. I felt my eyes water at that thought. I started to release my hold on him but then his own grip tightened this time to simply haul me into a strong hug. We stood there wrapped in each others embrace till the noise in the busy passage outside cleared away to a sudden silence then he wrenched us apart and without a word slammed out of the little closet space.

I slumped against the wall then unable to support my weight on my shaky legs. Billy! The idiot.

I knew he was going to use what just happened against me. It was pitch dark. I should not have been able to tell who it had been but I knew Billy's built like the back of my hand. I knew he was Billy and I know that he knows that I knew...and still kissed him back... and then some. He would use this against me.

Without doubt.. he would turn this against me. I don't know how only that he would. Billy was a prankster above all else. This was a perfect opportunity he wouldn't be able to resist.

I sighed unhappily. I would have to come up with a plan to turn this around and use it against him... before he used it against me.

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