Chapter 46

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I shrugged free from the sudden awkwardness. I gave him a nervous smile. I couldn't seem to find my voice anymore. What I did.. what we did last night robbed me numb.

"Mind if I joined you? I am surprised to see you here. Do you live nearby?" Claude took the seat beside me without waiting for my response. I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded my head miserably. My guess is that he lived near here too. I hadn't exactly paid attention to our whereabouts last night so it could have well been closer to my home then I would have liked.

"Look we need to talk... about what happened," he said softly making me take a gulp of my hot coffee. "And about what almost happened," he continued making me almost choke on it.

His quick pat on my back didn't help matters in the least. I gulped down my anxiety and offered him a watery thank you for his assistance.

"I realise this is all very new for you.." Claude started to say and I whipped about to stare at him incredulously. I had almost slept with my teacher last night. With him no less. A veritable porn star. If course it was all bloody new for me.

Claude sighed taking in my expression. "Here start eating," he said breaking a piece of my toast and feeding it to me. He nursed his own mug of coffee carefully blowing into it before taking a small sip. I chewed what I had in my mouth and tried desperately not to choke on it.

"I don't want to talk," I managed finally.

Claude sighed again impatiently. "Pretending it didn't happen won't make it go away," he said tightly. I knew he was loosing patients with me. I looked into his eyes and saw that he looked tired. Did he too have a sleepless night?

I closed my eyes tightly before taking another bite. He was right I couldn't run away from this... not after last night.

"Last night was your fault," I burst out suddenly venomously. " You are skilled what you do. I didn't stand a chance."

Claude stared at me in shocked silence making me feel ashamed at my accusations.

"That is, I suppose..," he whispered finally," very true." He lifted one muscular shoulder in a half shrug. "I am a professional."

I felt my eyes burn in unshed tears then. I wasn't sure why but hearing him say that hurt me more than I thought possible. I didn't know what to think anymore.

"Did you ... did you do it on purpose?" I asked finally needing to know.

His response was unexpected. The burst of laughter was more than unexpected, it was infuriating. I rose up to leave unable to take it anymore. He was mocking me. Funning me.

"Look we need to talk but you're right. This isn't the place," he said finally smirking up at me. I stared pointedly at his hand grasping mine. But he only gave a slight shake of his head. "No. You need to sit and finish your meal first. We'll talk about this later," he said soothingly as if to settle my ruffled feathers and damn if it didn't work. I actually felt myself sit back and worse still, feel hungry again. I didn't look at him. Instead I just ate my meal quietly.

I ate fast more to get out of here sponer than to actually appease my hunger. Claude and I were too combustible to remain alone for long. We always errupted in some form or other.Thinking that over I realised we were a lot like Billy and I. Only I understood Billy a little more. Claude was a complete enigma.

Then again it was only yesterday that I thought the reverse was true. It didn't matter. Claude was off limits altogether and as far as I was concerned so was Billy. I didn't need either of them. I would do without. I suddenly couldn't wait to get home. Cleaning up sounded more and more inviting by the moment. I would scrub the whole house if I had to... if that is what it took to put these two out of my mind for good.

"If you will excuse me. I am done here," I said blithely getting up to leave but Claude rose with me saying," I think I am done too."

I frowned heavily at him but could do nothing else about it so I let him follow me out of the cafe and headed straight for my car. I refused to turn around or a knowledge him and instead I dug around for my keys in my bag. My fist closed around it and I was pulling them out when I felt his hands grip my shoulders.

I took a shaky step back unable to resist his strength as he turned me deliberately to face him.

"What?" I snapped up at him finally unable to stand the suspense when all he did was stand there to stare down at me.

"Drive safely," he said simply before dropping me a melting smile and moving away. I stared after him. He was in his car and driving away before I finally snapped out if it. Cursing at my stupidity I slammed into my own vehicle snd shot off for home.

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