Chapter 13

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"So," Claude said uncertainly no doubt sensing my darker emotions," tell me what appeals to you about the sort of books you read."

What was this? Book psychology 101?

"I don't see how this mode of questionning relates to resolving the problem at hand," I stated somewhat pompously afterall who was a pornstar to critic my work let alone attempt to educate me.

"Are you kidding? Have you read your work?" He looked back incredulously at me. I felt myself flush red in embarrassment.

This was not going anywhere. I decided to backtrack and play along.

"Em alright ...I liked how I could relate to the book," I muttered belatedly after his needling stare prompt me into action.

Claude nodded his handsome head encouragingly. I sighed and continued," I could relate to Lucy's attractions to her childhood friend."

I hung my head and waited for his reaction. I really should have related the story of Brother's Girl. It would have avoided this awkwardness at least...of course it would also have resulted in a shit load of other complications. I shuddered at that thought.

"Okay.. now we are getting somewhere," Claude said," You should use that as your basis. In doing this report, rather than simply regurgitating the story in a bleak way you need to find your angle. Usually, what catches your attention and develop that angle. Discover what is the message behind the obvious and build on that..."

I listened on and even took notes for the next hour. I had to admit the dude knew his stuff. He may have well been extremely accurate in his assessment of my work. I found myself thanking him profusely after the hour long discourse then ambling slowly out with a happy smile on my face. I felt as though I had made a friend.. that Claude actually cared.

It was admist this bemused pondering that I slammed face first into a hard chest.

"Aw!" I yelped out inelegantly.

"Did you just spend the whole hour locked up in there with the Italian Stallion?"

I looked up at Billy's grim expression. "Don't call him that! I don't believe you. He's not what you say he is."

"Well we'll just have to watch it tonight then won't we. Common lets get home. The sooner we get this over with the better."

I stumbled after Billy as he tugged me off to his car. He seemed convinced. Doubts alleviated over the past hour crowded back in.

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