Chapter 27

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"Babe? Just shify a little bit.... I got you."

I blinked my eyes open then let it droop back drowsily. I recalled vividly the dream I had been having. Anxiously, mt eyes shot open then and on seeing it was merely Billy who was carting me about as if I weighed nothing, I relaxed instantly. My eyes drifted close and I settled back into Billy's cradling arms.

"Bad dreams?" Billy murmured into my ears. I sighed heavily," I just don't want him to kiss me again." I had been dreaming of Claude's kiss and it had been one time too many. I felt apprehensive over -. What the-?

Billy jerked to a halt and roughly stood me on my feet. "Who has been kissing you?"

I stared up at him aghast by my slip.

"Shhh!" I hissed up at him for his loud tone would no doubt reach his mother.

Billy didn't respond instead he wrapped his hand about my wrist and tugged me on to his room. Shutting the door behind him he rounded on me. "You are going to tell me everything."

He already knew everything about me, only this one tiny detail that I have been intentionaly witholding. I was not giving this up anytime soon.


"Don't push me," Billy warned even as he started stalking me. I walked hurridly backwards putting as much space between us as I could... only to feel the edge of his bed press against the back of my knee. I stumbled backwards and fell accross the bed.

Billy didn't pause. He only followed me down effectively holding me in place with the weight of his body.

"Tell me!"


I shook my head wildly and tried to trash my legs. I was held tighter.

"Shh," Billy breathed soothingly but I knew better. I knew he would not rest until he had the name of the man who kissed me. But I was not stupid enough to reveal that to him. He had lucked out there.

Then he shifted his long sleek fingers beneath my pyjama top and started to tickle me. I stared into his intense eyes and knew he would stop at nothing. My instant fit of giggles were smothered by his mouth. I was turned on and trembling with laughter at the same time. After a while it grew to much. I hammered at his strong back and he released my lips for air. I sucked in a deep breath.

"Tell me," he rasped out persistently.

"Only if you promise me you will take no action against this person," I retorted as insistantly.

"Fuck that! He kissed you!"

"Because of you, damnit! It was your fault he kissed me at all," I snarled back angrily.

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