Chapter 51

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"I got to go," I said brushing off his feeble attempts to hold on to me. I understood the weak knees affect that kiss would have had on him having succumbed to the same myself in the arms of Claude. All too recently.

I left the gym without looking back and then went through the day paying vague attention to my teachers and ignoring Billy's sometime death glares and otherwise pining looks.

I shook it off as I had shaken off everything that had happened these last few weeks. Then I tossed back my belongings into my locker and slammed it shut. Clearly marking the end of the day.

I hurried out eager to get this over and done with. Purposefully avoiding Billy's hurried steps as he tried to intercept me I dashed on to my car and was already buckled up and driving away when he finally emerged. I knew there would hell to pay soon but not now.

Now I had other shits to deal with.

I pulled into the Club's visitor parking wondering how did a teacher not only buy a house in this posh suburb but then became a member in this club. As far as I knew he couldn't be paid that much and if he was already rich from his bout as a porn star then what the fuck was he doing teaching us at all.

That was just one if the many questions I needed to get to the bottom of and right soon.

"I need to see Mr Claude Roston," I said simply looking about the posh front desk with my usual unimpressed smirk. I hated the club and everything it stood for. It was a childhood thingy from when mum and dad first moved into the neighbourhood. Every weekend was spent at the club. Dad called it socialising with potential customers and investors. Mum called it socialising with socialites. Either way neither had spent valuable time with me.

"Mr Roston is out by the pool."

I nodded at the snotty concierge and made my way over to the pool. Having changed out of my school clothes I was happy to strut forward drawing minimal notice. Especially critical when one considered I was about to meet my teacher beside the pool.

Only god knows what state of undress he would be by the pool. I wondered not the first time if this was some sort of test designed by fate to judge if I was worthy of moving on to the next phase of life.

I gritted my teeth over the unfairness of it all before stalking over to the bright open pool. Casting an expert eye about I bit out a blue streak at the sight before me. Fuck porn star. The man was a supermodel waiting to happen.

I groaned out loud and marched over to him unable to help the first words that blurted out of my mouth.

"You know its not love...," I said unwittingly before clamping shut. Flushed red.

"Good to see you too," replied Claude somewhat calmly, when he could. Thst set me off again.

"I mean it. I don't love you," I said needing to provoke some kind of response. It didn't seem fair that I be the only one who suffered here.

He nodded his head disarmingly. Before frantically looking about. I could tell he was thinking I was mad.. gone off my rockers. Well that was fine with me. I was mad. Maddeningly mad over everything and it was time he knew it. And Billy know it too.

"Don't you deserve real love?" I blurted out, again. All my carefully worded plans for disarming the situation fell to pieces.

"Don't you.." But I never managed to finish that thought for Claude had caught me and in one swift move thrown me in the pool.

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