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I started writing this book, not knowing that it would become a book.
It started off as a letter I was writing to myself - an older version of me. I wanted to leave something that I could go back and read when I was older. As time went on, each poem revealed a complexity and a vulnerability in me, it revealed things I never knew existed, and the only way to remind myself of these things was to write...

So, after every journey I went on and every impactful encounter I had, I decided to write a bunch of poems and put them all in the sequence of my journeys up to a certain in my life.

I wrote when I felt like it and I didn't want to rush anything. I wanted to absorb every lesson life had to teach me and I took time to learn the person I was becoming and writing helped me remember who I was.

This book quickly became about everything I was going through, and everything around me.
Every poem has an emotional significance and is tied to certain moments in my life.

So, effectively, this is an autobiography and after months of writing and editing, I feel safe enough to share it with anyone willing to read.  

It was written in between losing myself and finding myself.
I needed to lose the wounded, most fragile me to find the stronger and more resilient me.

Ladies and gentlemen, fellow poets alike and indifferent, I give you my first book,
a glimpse into my mind and my past:

Black Butterfly


the butterfly represents growth - starting from humble beginnings to becoming a wonder of the universe, after going through personal struggles.

"black butterfly" is a culmination of all the hurt, pain and joy I have felt. it's about losing yourself, finding yourself, finding new dreams and a transition in the stages of life - the stages I went through to find joy.

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