chapter 40

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i woke up , what just happened ? i had a huge headache i i touched my head there was red liquid . . i looked to my side . . . no no no "ROBERT! AUSTIN WAKE UP!" i shouted . . "zach!? NOAH?!" i shouted . . . "natalie?! are you okay?" zach asked . . he tried opening the door . .

it wouldnt open . . . . "natalie kick the back window and get out! run and call for help!" zach shouted from the drivers seat . .

"no! i wont leave you guys!" i shouted back . . "natalie , you need to help us! please go!"

i turned around and kicked the back window open . . i looked at Robert . . i kissed his forehead "ill be back . ." i whispered . . i quickly climbed out , i began running , more like limping . . i looked down at my leg . . i had a glass stuck . . .

i need to find help . . i kept crying . . i saw a car coming . . i waved my arms "HELP!! PLEASE!!" they quickly pulled up . . "whats wrong , are you hurt ?" the man asked . .

"no , just please go help my friends! they're down the road we got into a car accident!" i quickly said , running out of breath . .

he nodded "here take my phone call an ambulance" , "thankyou" i said as he took off . .

i quickly called the ambulance . .

i heard the sirens in a distance . . please let them be okay . . . . . .

i began walking back to the car . . i saw them pull noah out . . . i couldnt help but cry . . .

they noticed me "ma'am you need serious treatment for that leg" one of the perimedics said . . i shook my head "just please help them first . . " he nodded as he knew i wasnt gonna let him help me . .

they put noah and zach on one ambulance and Robert and austin in another "go see Robert , ill take care of noah" zach said as he hugged me . .

i got on the back of the ambulance , i grabbed Roberts hand . . "is he your boyfriend?" the lady parametic asked . . i shook my head no as tears rolled down my cheek . .

its the truth , he didnt wanna be with me , he just wanted to be friends . .

we got to the hospital , they rushed them in . . i sat down in the waiting room "oh no hun , you need to get that healed , come on" the nurse said , she helped me walk to a room . .

"they took out the piece of glass and wrapped it up "it wasnt that serious , you'll heal in a few days , you got really lucky . . " the nurse said . . . . i didnt say anything . .

she was about to walk away "a-are they gonna be okay?" i asked . . she looked down .

"they just finished with zach , hes in room 218 . . you can go in to see him . . " she quickly walked away . . why didnt she tell me about the other?!

i quickly walked to room 218 , limping . .

i walked in , i saw zach laying there , hurt . .

i cried as i sat down next to him . .

"im glad to see you okay , nat , im sorry! this was all my fault!" he began to cry . .

"no! stop zach! it was NOT your fault! dont blame this on your self , it was raining and the car slipped . ." i said . .

"how are they?" he asked , worry in his face . . . . .

i looked down . . "they w-wont tell me how they are" i said . .

"im s-sure they're fine , d-d-d-dont over think it" he said trynna make me feel better . .

"y-you didnt see how bad they were in the car . . " i whispered as my voice cracked . . .

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