chapter 24

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"That might not even be my kid!" Robert said back to her while holding me close to him. "you see he denies the baby cause of her, she makes him deny it." Mariah yelled.

all the paps looked at me shouting horrible things, some fans of him were trying to protect us the other were shouting bad stuff. austin approached us he grabbed my arm and helped us out of there. "are you guys okay?" andrew asked. i nodded. "we should go see zach" i said.

we drove off to zachs house , the hospital let him out early. "hey zach" i hugged him. he smiled once he saw me. "what are you doing here? i thought you guys were going to the fair?" he said. "drama" i whispered. he sighed heavily.

"i promise once i get better im going to take you out to have a perfect day, without mariah interupting and without paps." i smiled. "okay , but first get better , thats all that matters right now" he smiled. "well ill come back later okay?" i said. he nodded.

i walked out of his room to be faced with rachel. she rolled her eyes as she walked in. i ignored it and walked out the door , leaving Robert there talking to madison and andrew.

i walked towards the food court. i saw austin come into sight. i didnt want him to see me , but he did. "Natalie!" he yelled. i faked a smile and walked to him. i hugged him. "where Robert?" he asked. "with madison and andrew" i said. he nodded. "this is camila cabello , camila this is Natalie Constancio alexs cousin" she smiled as she extended her arm for me to shake her hand. .

"nice to meet you Natalie" she smiled. "nice to meet you to" i smiled.

"well im gonna go now austin , have fun!" i said. "wait!" he yelled. but i left before he can say anything else. the weather was getting bad , dark clouds started apearing , the rain started as it started getting dark , ive been out for hours.

i placed my hoodie over me , i let out all the tears. i looked up "why me? why cant i be happy?" i asked.

i felt someone sit down next to me. "are you okay?" i heard a voice i havent heard for awhile. i looked at Matt . i stood up but before i can leave he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. "Natalie , please stop , i know you've been through hell these past days , im sorry for not being there! i just miss you!" he yelled .

i looked up at him. "you left ! you left me for Mariah! my own cousin! how do you think i f-felt , tell me matt!" i yelled back. "i loved you! you left me!" i added.

"and i regret it! seeing you with Robert hurts me like hell! you dont know how much it hurts! thats why im leaving!" he shouted. i calmed down. "what do you mean leaving?" i asked.

he nodded. "im leaving tomorrow night , back to california. vegas isn't for me , and seeing you with Robert hurts , i left Mariah , i don't want anything to do with her. just know i love you. . " he whispered.

"Matt dont leave" i said tears still rolling down my cheek. "dont make it worse for me Nat.i just had to see you, im gonna miss you. " he whispered.

"Matt dont go! please. im gonna miss you so much." i yelled as i grabbed his wrist stopping him from walking away. "your the only one i know from here longer." i whispered.

"i cant see you with Robert , Natalie understand that." he said anger in his voice. he walked away.

i fell onto my knees . i cried for what seemed to be along time.

i stood back up and walked into the hotel i stayed in the first day. i grabbed the clothes i have here. i packed it up. i know running away isnt the answer even though i do it alot , but what else im i gonna do ? i cant stay here , where people hate me. Matts leaving , luke betrayed me. i have no one else in this world . Robert is expecting a baby. moms gone.

i thought to myself. i hate life. i have to do what i gotta do .

i sighed as i looked around the room and walked out . i called a taxi from the lobbys phone.

i quickly walked out and into the cab. "where to miss?" he asked. "the airport , please" i said. he nodded. i sighed as he drove off.

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