CHAPTER 9: Get Out Before I Hurt You

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My throat burned as if it was on fire but I smiled like the world was in the palm of my hand. I saw looks of impressed respect on a lot of faces when they looked at me now, as if satisfied that the new girl was fun. Who knew chugging wine could do that?

Unfortunately, I couldn't enjoy it for long. Alcohol rushed into my system and within half an hour, I was smashed. My vision was hazy and I couldn't walk straight. I panicked at some points; what if I fainted and people took pictures? What if I did something stupid, something that may get me and/or others into trouble?

But then a fun, slurring, drunk voice appeared in my mind, telling me to relax, talk to people, be social because I looked good and felt good and everyone else thought so too. So I listened to it.

I laughed now, dancing with some boy I'd never met before. He was pretty, seemed quite a few years older than me, and his bright teeth almost glowed. I felt free, social, happy. Also a bit nauseous, but who cares, right?

The boy's hands moved to my waist and I enjoyed the contact, my body tingling. Everyone yelled the lyrics and though I didn't know them, I yelled gibberish sounding similar to the lyrics which sounded passable to me, hoping it did to everyone else too. I laughed as the boy twirled me around — but then his hands started moving down my waist, to areas that I wanted to stay untouched.

I didn't want to make things awkward so I just subtly moved away while still dancing, pretending to go talk to someone else — but I felt hands yanking me back, and I looked around in alarm to see the boy, a possessive expression decorating his features. I immediately felt a shock of panic along with a burst of anxiety — I'd seen that look too many times. On his face.

Before I could protest, he started leading me away, into the hallway. His grip was hard and I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let go. He started pulling me upstairs and immediately, alarms went off wildly inside my brain.

"Get off," I said, stumbling. I resisted, pulling him down the stairs; he threw me a look, as if expecting me to just be submissive.

"Just come with me," he said, pulling me up and I yanked my grip away; it took him by surprise.

"I said no. I'm not going anywhere with you," I said with a tone of finality, turning back and trying to walk down the stairs when I felt a wave of dizziness. I gripped the railing hard to prevent myself from falling, when suddenly the boy's face appeared next to mine. Roughly, he turned me to face him, and though I tried to resist, it was getting harder and harder to lift my arms.

"What's the matter?" he asked; but not in concern. He had a smug look on his face, a wicked grin distorting his features which now swum in my hazy vision. Little bastard, I thought faintly. He must have done this.

"What did you do?" I forced out with gritted teeth, trying not to lean on him for support; but that was out of my hands now. I would be on the ground if he wasn't holding me up.

"Remember that drink I offered you? I put something in it," he shrugged easily, not bothering to lie. "Now you're coming with me."

"Get — off — me!" I tried to yell, trying to fight back as he pushed me up the stairs. Why me? I cried internally. Panic took over but I couldn't do anything as my vision swam. I couldn't even remember him offering me a drink, let alone drinking it. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Stop," I whispered faintly as he threw me onto something with soft covers. A bed. I could go to sleep now...

As my mind drifted away, I barely registered the loud words and muffled argument happening a few metres away from me. Until I recognised that familiar, melodic, smooth voice.

And it sounded furious.


I heard a thump. And a groan. And then a grunt sounding like someone tried to punch someone, but had missed.

Then another punch, sounding as if it hit its target exactly where it was aiming.

"Get. Out. Of. This. Fucking. House," Xander's voice filtered through to my ears over the waves of pounding music and exhaustion I felt. I strained as he continued, "Get out before I hurt you."

I only distantly heard rapid footsteps getting fainter sounding like someone was almost running away. The next moment, I saw a beautiful face swim above mine (through the small space in which my eyes were actually open), concern written all over it, mixed with remaining anger from before. But before he could say anything, my eyes closed and I drifted away like a plank of wood in the middle of the ocean.


Dammit Karissa! Shoulda listened to your gut feeling before you got drunk. But don't worry - Xander saved you. I'm a bit mad that he didn't save me, but whatever, you can have him I guess. 

How did you guys like that chapter? Do you want to kill that boy who spiked Karissa's drink? Because same. Why did Corina even invite him? That's some bad people judgement Corina. >:(

Don't forget to VOTE VOTE VOTE if you liked the chapter! I NEED SOME GODDAMN MOTIVATION.

Apparently people like answering questions so my QOTD is: would you rather go to the carnival (the people won't disappear in this one, don't worry) or go to the beach? 

-- deainlustris

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