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-✾CHAPTER ONE | A new tranfser student.

A car pulls off in front of the Academy

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A car pulls off in front of the Academy. The large,  silck black car parks at the entrance, in front of the sturdy gates. The back door flies open on its own, the driver not caring enough to step out the car and open the door for her, not that she especially minds. She grabs her leather handbag and carefully closes the door. She quickly checks her reflection before turning to the driver and bowing as a thanking. The driver drives away, leaving her behind on her own on the sidewalk.

The car begone, the single sound that fills her ears is the wind softly blowing the pastel pink petals of the cherry blossoms and grazing her soft skin. Luckily, the wind is too weak to tear the petals out and let them fly in circles before ending their dance on the ground or the concrete wall all around the school building. 

Honestly, if one weren't to know about this Academy, many would be misleaded to believe it's merely a house belonging to a rich family. In a way, it's not completely wrong...

A school has to be ruled to not end in chaos, after all.

The girl steps forward and approaches the gate. The gate is usually open every morning of school days until the bell rings and during a few minutes after school time. Since it's now way past the start of her lessons' hour, it's only obvious the gates would be closed. 

Thankfully for the late comers, the school has been kind enough to install a bell with an inserted camera at the gate. Although she's been asked to come this late, so this isn't her being her late self.

She lifts up her hand, now holding her bag with her other hand, and reaches out for the button that she gently presses. The button makes no sound, and due to the distance between her and the office, she can't hear the bell ring.

As soon as she retrieves her hand, the camera activates and a male voice errupts from the bell.


As soon as those words are spoken, the voice lets out a small sound of surprise, a small "Oh." 

He immediately recognises the uniform the young student is wearing and judging from the time of her arrival, he judges her to be a new student without any hesitation. 

"That uniform, I can recognise it among a thousands." He speaks. "You are the transfer student, I presume."

The transfer student looks straight into the camera and firmly nods her head. "Yes."


A click sound reaches her ears and before she knows it, the gates produce a weak, machinal sound as they slowly separate from each other.

"Welcome to Osaka Private Academy." The male welcomes before the micro goes off.

The girl walks past the black painted gates and holds a strand of hair as she steps towards the school entrance to prevent it from getting in her face. She doesn't stop on her way, but she makes sure to admire every little detail there is to see and enjoy.

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