Prologue | Six Weeks

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(a/n - a new story! I hope you enjoy! Dont forget to vote, comment and follow!)

"Jungkook-ah! Come here for a minute please!" Jimin yelled as he sat himself down onto the couch in their living room of the Bangtan House.

The others that were slightly curious also came into the living room. Meaning Hoseok, Taehyung and Jin who came in asking what was wrong and "is something the matter!? 911!!"

He just brushed them off saying everything was okay. They didn't believe that though. They sat on one of the two couches that were in the living room. Waiting for Jungkook to come downstairs.

He came downstairs a few minutes later. Sweatpants and a plain thin black t shirt on. Towel hanging around his neck and his hair still damp from the shower.


A smile grew on his lips. Although he was confused why the others were sitting there with surprised but confused looks on their faces.

Jungkook sat next to Jimin who was in a sweater and a pair of boxers that were Jungkooks but still briefs underneath. Just to use them as shorts. "Whats up?"

"I have something to tell you.. And.. I don't.. Really know how to tell you and.. Its scary.." Jimin whispered quietly under his breath as he looked up at Jungkook in the eyes.

Jungkook smiled at him. Kissing his forehead after pushing the hair out of his eyes. "Wanna go upstairs and tell me?"

Jimin nodded without hesitation. Taking his boyfriends hand and going upstairs to their room. Going inside then closing the door behind him. Not letting go of Jungkooks hand till he got him to sit onto the edge of the bed.

He was gonna tell Jungkook standing up, but he pulled him to sit on his lap and straddle his wait; in a cute way though.

"Now", he pushed the bangs from Jimins eyes ,"What's wrong?"

He just shook his head. Getting back up and standing in front of him. Coughing softly and wiping his eyes as he grabbed Jungkooks hands.

"Jungkook... Do... Do you want a family?"

He watched Jungkook blinked a few times. Smiling softly and nodded barely. "I u-um... I would love that I would... But, don't you think it's a little sudden?"

Jimin eyes widened and teared up. Hands now shaking and he pulled them away. Putting them behind my back. "O-Oh I um. I just... Wanted to say that I um... Remember that story I was writing? I finished it! Th-That's... What I wanted to... Tell you..."

Jungkook smiled. Reaching and grabbed Jimins hands again. Kissing the top of them. "That's good. But, I know that's not the problem. What's wrong?"

Everything was quiet. Could he really tell Jungkook something like this if he didn't even want a family?

Are you kidding me? 'If I tell him now, we have nine months to prepare. If I wait, it'll be less time..' Jimin thought.

Looking him back into the eyes and giving the best smile he could muster. Interwining their hands and smiling.

"Jungkook... I'm pregnant. Six weeks along.."

Jungkooks mouth dropped open. He was looking at his eyes them his stomach. The widest smile that showed his adorable bunny teeth.

It was the start of a long journey.

(a/n - this story will be ten chapters not counting the prologue. Eleven chapters a'll together. I hope you enjoy!)

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