Month 06 | Chubby Baby

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"Jimin hyung come on! We need to hurry up and go before the mall gets too packed baby" Jungkook smiled as he was swinging his feet while sitting on the edge of the bed. Waiting for a grumpy Jimin to come out of the bathroom.

Jimin wasn't even doing anything in the bathroom. He was sitting on the bathroom tub on the edge and had his head in his hands. Elbows propped up onto his knees as he stayed quiet and was staring at his feet. He noticed it a few days ago. 

He was getting chubby. To his fingers to his toes. They were swelling up on the journey of the pregnancy. He couldn't even do much about it. The worst part was his ankles were swelling. It was hard to walk around enough as it was because of his stomach getting bigger by the week instead of the month.

Using the sink he got himself up to his sore feet. Washing his face and scrubbing it with a rag before going out to Kookie who never moved. He sat down onto the edge next to him but Jungkook got up not even a second later. Grabbing something comfortable for Jimin to wear on their adventure to the mall they're gonna have.

Grabbing a pair of sweatpants from the drawer and a large hoodie from the closet, he smiled as he walked over to Jimin as he pulled the t-shirt off his body. Putting the baggy baby blue hoodie onto him as well as the deep purple colored sweatpants onto his legs. "Do you want slip on-s? They'll be more comfortable on you" Jungkook smiled as he gave him a quick kiss.

"I don't wanna go at all" Jimin pouted as he massaged his wrist to his forearm. Hoping to get some kind of comfort from it. 

"You have to go", Jungkook smiled softer as he pushed the damp hair from his mochis eyes,"If you don't go then you don't know what all we need and what all you would like you know"

All that was earned was a loud groan. Jungkook got socks and slip on shoes anyway as he sat on the ground in front of him. Putting on the cute baby pink socks then the black slip-on shoes that had a cute light brown pomeranian face on the toe of them. "Cute" Jungkook admired as he got up from the spot. Helping Jimin up with him to his feet. "Now in a bag, I'm gonna take pain cream and more shoes with some peanut butter cups that you wanted. Anything else?"

Jimin nodded as he held onto Jungkooks arm. Laying his head on his bicep. "Pack some tissues for me please" he mumbled as he gave a puppy face. Smiling as Jungkook noticed he was getting a little less grumpy then he has been for the past few days, he nodded as he grabbed a small pack of tissues that he had at the bedside drawer already. 

"Let's get going. I'll get the keys from Seokjin". With a nod from Jimin, Jungkook helped him down the stairs of the house. Passing by the future baby room which Jimin glanced into. 

Yoongi and Namjoon; with the help of everyone else as well, cleared a room they didn't use much that was just filled with more clothes that they hardly wore and other things as well. They painted the room a cute purple shade along with white star wall decal stickers just spread everywhere. It was all they had done at the moment.

That's why Jimin and Jungkook were going to the mall. To a baby store that had everything. Mainly to get a baby bed and maybe anything else their eyes land on. 

When Jungkook got the car keys from Seokjin, he helped Jimin into the passenger seat of the car. Putting the padded seatbelt across his tummy so it wouldn't rub or hurt. Getting into the driver side they started onto their journey.

They got to the mall in less then about twenty minutes since it was a good distance. Getting a parking spot Jungkook grabbed the bag and led Jimin out of the car and into the mall.

When they made it inside of the mall, Jimin had to almost sit immediately onto one of the nearest benches that was also near a sweet shop. So Jungkook had to get a thicker face mask and put it on Jimin so the smell wouldn't seep through the thin cloth.

Jungkook had to sit next to him as he held his hand. Rubbing his thumb over his knuckle. "You know if you make it to the store, there is a bench right near the baby beds so all you have to do from there is sit down. Think you could push to do it?"

Jimin groaned loudly. Glaring at the ground as he took a deep breath and nodded to stand up. Jungkook jumped up to help him quickly to his feet before something bad happened. Such as him falling.

"Let's go" Jimin whimpered at his continuous sore feet. Dragging them as in about four minutes they made it to the baby store. Going to the back where the beds were, Jungkook quickly helped him to the bench. Smiling as he kissed his forehead.

"Good job. I knew you could do it" Jungkook cheered as he brushed randomly the wrinkles out of his shirt.

"Shush" Jimin replied out of breath. Using his feet to kick his slip ons off to let his feet rest and catch a breath. To relieve the soreness he had in them.

Jungkook glanced over all the baby beds they had set up for display. Going over to the first one that caught his eye, he ran his fingers over the bars. "Thick bars. Not metal. Sliding side. Tall base. There is even storage at the bottom. I think it's safe enough" Jungkook smiled as he was messing with the door of it.

Jimin smiled as he nodded in agreement. The smile dropping quick when he looked at the corner of his eye. Noticing a girl that looked about three months pregant staring at him. He froze and put the hood of the hoodie onto his head. Covering most of his face as he looked back over at Jungkook who was now looking at the storage.

Out of the corner of his other eye he noticed a worker of the store looking. He quickly pulled the sleeves to cover his hands and dove them into his lap to hide them. 'Th-They're looking at me... I'm a mess... Why would two guys be in here? Why am I in here? Oh yeah I'm pregnant... How did I get pregnant? Was it really the medicine? Is something just wrong with me? Something abnormal. My feet hurt so bad... I'm so swollen... Oh god does Jungkook even still love me!? How does he?!' Tears fell fast as the bad side took over. He wiped them fast before they soaked into the mask.

Jungkook never noticed as he checked out another bed. A darker shade of wood and a little deeper then the last with more storage as well. Surprisingly cheaper then other one.

Jimin hugged himself as he curled himself into a comfy but tight ball where he was sitting. What could he do but sit there? He couldn't go no where without help from Jungkook cause of his feet. He couldn't make it ten feet on his own. Wiping tears faster, he jumped when Jungkook grabbed his hands. Kneeling down in front of him as he pulled the mask down to his chin.

Wiping the stray tears falling, he sat on his shins in front of his hyung. Re-grabbing his hands and interlacing their fingers together. "Hey hey what's wrong hyung? Are you nervous?"

Jimin shook his head as he kept it low. Making sure only Jungkook could see his face. "P-People are staring" he sniffed. Shaking more before Jungkook shook his head with a bunny smile of assurance.

"They aren't staring at you hyung. They're looking around like we are. I promise you, there is nothing to be nervous about. Everything is fine. Okay?" Jungkook smiled brighter as he gave each of Jimins hands a kiss.

Jimin gained a smile as he sniffed again. Now his nose was stuffed with his eyes growing a light shade of red from irritation. Getting up from the bench with some help, they both looked at the second crib that Jungkook checked out, ordering it to have it shipped to the house.

Along the trip through the store, they ordered a changing station, rocking chair, and a large teddy bear that will sit in the corner of the room. All being shipped to the house. Both of them leaving with ear to ear smiles.

(a/n - this was probably my favorite chapter to write of this whole story, I thought it was so cute to write! I hope you loved this chapter as much as I did!)

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(a/n - this was probably my favorite chapter to write of this whole story, I thought it was so cute to write! I hope you loved this chapter as much as I did!)

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