Month 01 | Daddys Birthday

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When Jungkook was waking up in the morning, he was surprised to be faced to face with big eye smiles. From who? From his boyfriend Jimin of course. A bright smile as he returned it. Reaching his arms up and wrapping them around Jimins waist cause he was on top of him. Sitting on his knees as he was trying to get him to wake up.

Jimin leaned down and gave him a long happy tasting kiss. Pulling away and just laying on top of him. "Happy Birthday my Kookie" he laughed softly underneath his breath as he leaned down and gave him the same tasting kiss. Jungkook gave his hip a light smack as he sat up. Now Jimin was basically straddling his waist.

He wrapped his arms around his neck as Jungkook kept his arms around his slim waist. Jimin wasnt even fazed by it. Smiling at him and giving him larger eyes smiles. "What do you wanna do today?" he asked as he moved closer. Sitting on his thighs then his knees. It would hurt them both less. 

"Um", he thought as looked away like he was actually thinking,"Let's go to an arcade. You can take that right?" Jimin laughed softly. Nodding as he slapped his shoulder really playfully.

"What do you think im already seven months pregnant? Of course i can go to an arcade still. And i can still whip you in games to"

Now it was Jungkooks turn to laugh. Shaking his head as he pulled Jimin even closer to him. Burying his head into his neck as he put his lips close to his ear. "If you get more tickets then me then you win whatever you want. If I win, I get birthday sex. What do you say?"

Jimin face turned red as he moved his head away from Jungkooks lips. Nodding barley. All Jungkook did was smile at Jimins tomato face. Laughing as he kissed his little mochis nose.

"I-If I win", Jimin stuttered ,"Then you owe me lunch on your own birthday"

When all the embarrassment passed they both smiled like idiots at each other. Giving a last kiss before getting up and changing.

Before they changed Jimin was in one of Jungkooks band shirts and a pair of his boxers. When he changed he changed into a cute stripped crimson and black turtleneck sweater with black skinny jeans to go with that had rips at the thighs and shins. As well as thin leather boots and a beanie.

Jungkook before he changed was in nothing but a pair of dark grey sweatpants. Now he changed in a plain black jacket with a leather jacket over the top. Black skinny jeans to go with the color scheme and rips as well. Only at the knees.

Jungkook put on shades with his contacts and Jimin put on his thick black rimmed glasses. Sure nerdy but adorable. At least it's what Jungkook thought when he saw him wearing them. It's why Jimin mostly where contacts, cause when Jimin wears those glasses, he's all over him. He would takea chance today though.

Jimin and Jungkook each grabbed their wallets. Then grabbed each others hands as they put masks on and then left to start on their way to the local arcade.

It was about a twenty minute walk till they got there. When they did get there, they got a bunch of money on a card. $100 each. "Who ever gets the most tickets on their card, wins the bet" Jungkook reminded with a grin.

Jimin nodded with a shy smile as they clicked their cards together as if they were glasses. Even though they were competing, they followed each other throughout the arcade.

The first game they played was a shooting game. Based on how many items your shoot, you get that many tickets. Both of them swiped their cards and grabbed the guns. Starting off well. When more swarms came in, both of them died with loud groans. They watched as they waited for them to be told how many tickets they got.

Jungkook earning 15
Jimin earning 7

Jungkook looked at Jimin and smiled. Giving him a wink which caused Jimins cheeks to flare up again. He could not let him win.

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