Month 02 | Mommys Birthday

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Oh yes, not very long after it was Jimins birthday. He couldn't wait for this day. Not that it was his birthday, but Jungkook said for his birthday he would do more than what they did for his. His would be more romantic he said. After a long talk though Jimin convinced he didn't want to have a romantic birthday, he wanted a fun and memorable one. Jungkook finally agreed.

Jimin woke up with a surprise when he found a pair of eyes staring into his not even an inch away from him. Noses touching his cheeks flared up softly and Jungkook could even feel that heat. "M-Morning?" he stuttered.

"Gooood morning" Jungkook smiled as he finally moved away and sat on the edge of the bed after giving him a soft 'glad your awake' kiss. Going to the closet he grabbed something from a bag and came back over. Putting the feather-light bag onto Jimins stomach. He only blinked a few times before he sat up and looked into the bag. Pulling out the cutest pastel purple fluffy sweater that said 'I love you to the moon and back' in gold lettering. With a cute cartoon of an earth and moon saying I love you to each other. Jimin smiled and reached and hugged Jungkook.

"Ahhh! It's so cute!" Jimin cheered as he took the shirt he was sleeping in and went to put it on but stopped himself. Getting up after folding the sweater and putting it into the bag again and giving Jungkook a quick kiss. "Let me go take a shower first". He got up all the way off the bed and grabbed a pair of jeans from the drawer and the bag. Going into the bathroom and shutting and locking the door.

Jungkook smiled and let out a heavy sigh. Going downstairs and looking at Seokjin and Yoongi that were already awake. Yoongi was drinking coffee on the couch while watching television and Seokjin was just on his phone. He sat in the middle of them and leaning against the back of the sofa. Yoongi looked at him and smacked his thigh without a warning. "What's wrong with you?"

Jungkook shrugged as he gave another heavy sigh. "I need to make sure he has a really good birthday. I just don't really know what to do. I have to cancel the dinner reservation. He said he didn't want anything romantic for his birthday so now I don't really know what to do..."

Yoongi wrapped his arms around his shoulders and made Jungkook lay his head on his shoulder. Rubbing his head as everyone on that couch was thinking. "Maybe you could take him to that new trampoline park?" Seokjin offered.

"He can't jump around he's pre-... his knee is acting up. B-But maybe we can... go to the movies? Do you think he would like that?"

"He's your boyfriend", Yoongi laughed,"But I think he would be just as happy as sitting here with you on the couch listening to music or watching a movie together then anything else. He's that kind of person I think Jungkook"

Jungkook was a little surprised by Yoongis words but all he could do was smile and nod a little. Giving him a hug from the side as he continued to nod. "I think your right", Jungkook mumbled,"I'll ask him when he gets out of the shower. We might just go walk in the park or something like that. I think he would like that"

It was about fifteen minutes before Jimin finally started to come downstairs. He had on the purple pastel sweater and the bright blue skinny jeans that had a few rips at the thighs with simple socks on. Hair blow dried and fluffy as he came downstairs and sat down right next to Jungkook. But he got up when Jimin sat down, pulling him up and going out front to sit on the porch. Holding each other's hands. Looking each other in the eyes.

"What do you want to do for your birthday Jimin? Anything you wanna do?" Jungkook smiled as he intertwined their fingers together, almost swinging their hands back and forth.

Jimin smiled as he followed the motion and was humming softly as he was thinking. "I mean as long as we are together for my birthday it doesn't matter what we do", he smiled,"But maybe we could just go see a movie you know. That'll make me happy if you wanna go see a movie?"

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