Month 08 | Almost There

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(a/n - holy crap almost 700 reads!? what's going on ah! thank you!! I hope you enjoy the chapter!!)

Jungkook went to put his arm around Jimin as he woke up in the middle of the night. Something woke him up but he wasn't sure what. He felt so restless. When he went to wrap his arm around Jimins waist, he felt nothing but the sheets and pillows. There was no Jimin.

Opening his eyes and sitting up he looked at the spot. It was even cold so he has been gone for a while Jungkook figured out as he looked around the room. No Jimin to be found at all. "Jimin?"

Pushing the covers off of himself he put on a pair of sweatpants and checked the bedroom bathroom first to see if Jimin was maybe throwing up before he went to check the rest of the house. All that was there was a rag that was neatly folded onto the edge of the sink. Leaving the bathroom and bedroom, something in his mind was telling him to check the baby room.

Trusting the thought he went to the baby room and opened the door really slowly to be as quiet as possible. The first thing he saw was Jimin sitting in the chair near the baby bed that took everyone about a week to finally get it set up. Smiling he moved to stand next to him. 

Jimins hand was laying on the railing of the baby bed. His head lying back onto the chair with one of the baby blankets they bought laying on his lap. A part of Jungkook didn't want to wake him up because he looked so cute the way he was. He knew he had to though, or Jimin would complain about back pain that he was gonna have from not sleeping well.

Jungkook grabbed the hand that was on the railing of the bed. Putting it in Jimins lap as he was gently shaking his shoulder. Trying to get him to wake up, but it seemed like it was gonna be hard to do so. "Jiminie hyung. You gotta come to bed. You can't sleep like this" Jungkook mumbled as he continued to attempt him to shake him awake.

"Mmm..." Jimin finally responded as his eyes started to slowly open and close. He looked over at Jungkook in the eyes then back at the bed. "W-What time is it?" he mumbled as he looked out the single window in the room at the night sky that was pitch black with no stars. 

"It's past midnight", Jungkook smiled,"You need to come to bed. Come on and you can go back to bed. Okay?"

Jimin gave another groan as he closed his eyes. Letting Jungkook help him up to his feet. Putting the blanket back folded into the crib with the rest of them. Helping him guide him out of the room and down the hall. Jungkook didn't know Jimin grabbed another baby blanket before they left the room. 

Jungkook helped him lay down in the bed. Laying him down onto his back is when Jungkook finally noticed he had the baby blanket in his hands again. Smiling he took the blanket and pushed up Jimins sweater he had on. Laying the blanket across his stomach and pulling the blanket over him to under his arms. Jungkook got into bed himself next to him. Giving Jimin, who was already asleep, a quick kiss good night for the second time, before going to bed himself.

Surprisingly, Jimin was the first one to wake up in the morning. Turning his head he looked to see Jungkook still fast asleep, almost drooling. He smiled softly and tried to keep quiet as he was sitting up in the bed. Turning his body to get up from the bed. 

Finally getting up with a little bit of struggle, he made it to the bathroom. Using it, washing his hands and taking his sweet time down the stairs to the living room. Fixing himself a glass of milk, he sat down on the couch. Propping his feet on the table as he turned the tv on. Sipping on his glass of milk, flipping through the tv channels.

Finding a show, that he didn't really need to watch, he started to watch it anyways. It was a reality tv show about teen pregnancy. 

On the show, they were talking about how this girl was about six months pregnant and they were out shopping for clothes for the baby that they went to check on after an appointment. Apperently the baby was overweight and she already knew she needed a c-section for when the time came.

Jimin watched them shopping for cute dresses as he was rubbing his tummy a little. Giving the baby bump soft pats as he felt a slight kick and he smiled softly. "Do you want cute outfits too? Me and Kookie can go out when you're born and get some outfits" he mumbled as his eyes were fixed on the show.

Now the mom and the assumed father; she didn't know who it was, was fighting. Arguing about who was the dad as the guy was calling her names as she was doing the same back to him. Jimin started to kind of hug his stomach as his hands started shaking.

Seokjin came down rubbing his eyes as he heard the ruckus from upstairs. Hearing what Jimin was watching Seokjin ran to the couch to get the remote and turned the channel fast. The next channel was showing a children's cartoon show. More appropriate. "Why are you watching a show about this kind of thing Jimin!?" Seokjin shouted out of not anger but just concern. Why would he be watching something like this? Especially being eight months along in the pregnancy.

"I-I was just watching tv" Jimin shook as he continued to just look at his stomach as he rubbed it gently.

"Just watch what you're watching Jimin okay?", Seokjin sighed as he sat next to him on the couch,"The baby can hear it you know. Especially this far along. You have to be careful"

Jimin just shyly nodded his head as he looked back up at the tv. Watching the children's tv show about learning good things you can do for others in the world. A cute little cartoon.

"Hey, Seokjin hyung... What... What do you think is gonna happen when the pregnancy finally happens? I mean... yeah the baby is gonna be born, but then what?"

Seokjin smiled as he rubbed his head of fluffy hair. Wrapping an arm around his shoulders as he let Jimin lay his head on his shoulder for more comfort. "Well, happiness is one thing. A lot of work will come from raising the kid, yes, but you'll experience a lot of happiness from this child I promise. Yes, a lot of pain Jimin. You can't help that sadly, but in the end, it'll be worth it all"

Jimin smiled as he snuggled his head deeper into Seokjins neck. Getting comfy as the nervousness was sort of leaving his mind. One more month and the baby will be here. What they all have been waiting for. 

Not even about twenty minutes later Jungkook finally woke up. Coming downstairs to see a cute sight. Jimin sleeping on a sleeping Seokjins shoulder.

(a/n - sorry this chapter was short and not much happened

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(a/n - sorry this chapter was short and not much happened. i want the chapters to be about 1,000 words each so after that its okay. this was about 1,200 words so i think thats fine. i hope you enjoyed the chapter. dont forget to vote on the chapter! two more chapters!)

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