Month 09 | May

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Because Jimin could have the baby at any moment, Jungkook and him thought they could go out and have fun for the day. So they decided to do something that wouldn't be hard on Jimin. They decided to do simple, so they were going to go to a park. Simply at Jimins request.

At a price though. That price, was for Jungkook to push him in a wheelchair most of the time. Which Jungkook agreed to do so.

After changing into nice simple outdoor clothing such as Jimin wearing a hoodie and a thin pair of sweatpants and slippers, as Jungkook wore a matching hoodie with ripped jeans and high tops. Both of them wearing masks and a cap or beanie for fandom saftey.

Jungkook; as always, helped Jimin into the car. Driving the short distance to the nice park they had close to home. When they got there, it didn't take them long to get out and Jungkook wheelchaired Jimin to one of the benches facing a field and a play ground that kids were playing on.

Jimin sat his hands into his lap with his own fingers interlaced. Watching the kids running around, chasing each other, going down the slide, monkey bars, having soo much fun.

Jungkook saw Jimin looking at the kids and smiled. Reaching and grabbing his hand as he watched with them. "Wanna go run on the playground together?"

Jimin laughed under his breath as he gave Jungkooks hand a squeeze back. Shaking his head. For some reason having the urge to smack him for saying something like that. Is that normal? Eh. "Ha. Ha. Very funny"

"Thank you I thought it was pretty funny myself" Jungkook smiled a cheeky grin as he continued to look at the kids playing himself. Giving a soft sigh as he puffed out his cheeks. "I can't wait for the baby Jimin... You have no idea... I want us to be happy like those parents"

Jimin frowned as he pulled his hand away. Burying them deeper into his lap. "Weren't we happy before?"

Jungkooks eyes widened as he turned his whole body towards Jimin. Grabbing his hands again fast and interlacing their fingers. "Yes yes of course of course I didn't mean it that way I promise! I just mean, when the baby comes we can be happy again. You won't be sick and in pain anymore and another ball of sunshine will be around"

Jimin nodded as he looked at the play ground again. Away from Jungkooks eyes. Looking at the ages of the kids. Going from what looked to be about 10 months old to about 14 or 15. They all looked so happy. Even the parents.

Jimin looked back into Jungkooks eyes that were glowing. Glowing from the furture that they're gonna have. He smiled back. Pulling his mask and Kookies mask down as he leaned over. Giving him the sweetest kiss.

Jungkook groaned when he was woken up to him being shaken viciously. Almost enough to make him dizzy considering he was just woken up out of the blue in the middle of the night. WAY into the night. About 2 am.

Reaching and rubbing his eyes even though the shaking never stopped. Finally he opened his eyes with blurred vision and blinked a few times as he looked over to see who was shaking him. It was Jimin of course, who else would it of been?

"What is it? It's so late..." He groaned quietly as he tried to rub the tiredness out of his eyes again. When the blurriness left his field of view, he finally saw the terror in Jimins eyes.

Everything was starting to hit him like a boulder. Not a pebble. A boulder. He felt his leg was a little wet considering he was wearing briefs but the bed was damp. Soaked in something he hoped that it was.

"J-Jungkookie", Jimin was sobbing as he kept shaking him even though he was obviousky awake,"My water broke!!" Finally stopping it, he started to rub his cheeks of the tears. His eyes puffy like he's been crying for a good hour. Has he?

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