Month 05 | First Kick

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It was a beautiful day. Well, a chance of rain. Maybe it'll put the fish in a good mood. Jimin and Jungkook were out at an aquarium. As well as with the other members. They wanted to join them as well. How could they say no? Jimin did say no but Jungkook convinced them to let them come with after about an hour of arguing back and forth with the mention about making memories or creating an annoyance.

They were in the jellyfish section of the aquarium. Taehyung and Hoseok were sitting on the floor looking up at them as the color of the lights made them change. Jimin was watching the tank turn different colors, making the fish seem like they turn the same color as the lights. It was really beautiful. Jungkook walked up beside him and interlocked pinkies. "Do you like the jellyfish? These are the smaller ones. Moon Jellyfish" He mumbled as he leaned against his little mochi.

"They're squishy. I wanna touch them" he whispered back as he put his head on the glass. Watching them float or gently glide by his vision in the water.

"Ah you can't touch them", Jungkook laughed,"You would get hurt. I don't want that"

"I still want to touch them" Jimin responded fast with a straight face. Contemplating on whether he should look up if you can touch jellyfish somewhere in the world. Before he could get his phone out, Jungkook grabbed his hand and interlaced their fingers together. Smiling as he was swinging his arms around a little.

Pulling him away from his fantasy of jellyfish, he smiled as he pulled him to another aquarium. This one had a small single sea urchin. A charcoal black but a purple shaded one. Pointy of course in some plants.

"It's so creepy", Jimin whispered as he kept staring at the eyeball of it,"It's starring at me"

Jungkook pulled him away before things got weird to another tank. Looking at it which held the cutest clownfish. Jimin eyes light up as he put his hands on the glass. "Nemo Nemo!" cheered as he looked at every one of them. Moving his eyes like a lizard. That fast to look everywhere at every single fish that he could see.

"I mean, yeah Nemo is the same kind of fish" Jungkook mumbled as he looked with his mochi. "Some are smaller than others"


Jungkook looked at Jimin quickly who was holding his stomach a little. Grabbing onto him fast while his legs were shaking before he fell, Jungkook gently helped him to one of the benches in the building. Fanning him with his hand even though Jimin said he was never hot.

"Are you okay!? Jimin!? How many fingers am I holding up!?" Jungkook panicked.

"Shut up I'm fine!" Jimin snapped as he leaned his back against the wall. Taking deep breaths as he finally calmed himself down. Jungkook was more panicked then him. The one CARRYING the baby. "It was just pains..."

"What kind of pains?" Seokjin pushed in as he sat next to Jimin. Rubbing his back and handed him a bottle of water he's been drinking this entire time. Jimin took a few little drinks before handing it back to his hyung.

"Just pains", he groaned as he pushed the hair from his vision," like sudden sharp pains in my stomach. It's gone now"

"Do we need to leave?", Jungkook said seriously,"We can go home so you can lay down"

Jimin shook his head viciously and puffed out his cheeks as he got up without another word. Grabbing his hand for support as he dragged him over to a tank full of crabs to look at them. Leaving Seokjin in the dust who just walked over to Yoongi and Namjoon that were looking at puffer fish. Trying to make them blow up.

"Namjoon would like these" Jungkook mumbled as he looked at the really tiny ones underneath the bigger ones. Like a family.

"They look yummy," Jimin said with a blank face as he continued to look at them. Looking at all of the different types that were in the tank with each other. 

"I think you're just hungry", Jungkook laughed in response as he rubbed Jimins back,"We can get something to eat when we leave. We're already halfway through the aquarium"

"Maybe I don't wanna eat anything" Jimin whined as he moved to another tank filled with different types of tropical fish.

Jungkook followed with a few feet in between each other with his hands into the pockets of his pants. "You seem like you're hungry. You keep wanting to eat everything that you see is edible"

Jimin shook his head as he put his hands on the glass once again. Pressing his nose against the wall and following one fish around that was swimming throughout the tank. Just that one fish.

A bright purple fish. A pretty small one. Maybe the smallest of the species in that tank the two of them were looking in. Jimin imagined the baby as that fish. Slowly growing if it could and traveling into the world as it grows. Scary things. Bigger fish. Monster fish. Adult fish. Dominant fish. 

Jungkook noticed the sweat bead drip from the temple of Jimins head down his cheek. He dabbed it away gently and softly grabbed onto his forearm and shoulder. "You should sit down Jimin. You look as pale as snow. Do you feel well?"

Jimin shook his head a little as he even closed his eyes slowly for a few seconds. Opening them back up after Jungkook started to help him walk over to where everyone was, except for Hoseok and Taehyung who were now over at the seahorses and joking with each other about them. "Jimin don't feel well. I don't know if he's hungry or just unwell but I think we need to go home"

"AH, s-shit" Jimin yelled as he almost fell to the ground but Jungkook caught him. Hooking his arms underneath his and slowly helping him sit down onto the floor. "I got kicked!"

"We need to go home. We can go out and get something to eat. Yoongi go get Hoseok and Taehyung so we can leave. We have to come back another time" Jungkook assured as he helped Jimin back up without another word and was helping him walk. 

Everyone left the aquarium when they were about halfway through. They didn't leave right away though. They went through the gift shop first.

(a/n - I really tried to add more to the story but really couldn't find much more to write

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(a/n - I really tried to add more to the story but really couldn't find much more to write. I even went to an aquarium on my vacation and couldn't find much more to write about. Ugh. Hope you enjoyed the chapter anyways! Don't forget to vote on it! Love you guys!)

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