Month 03 | Changey (ty for 100!)

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(a/n- omg this story hasn't even been up for almost 2 weeks and we already hit 100 reads? I love you guys so much! Don't forget to vote on the story, it let's me know how much you love it ♥)

"What's up with you two?" Namjoon laughed softly as he sat down on the couch next to Jimin. Both of them shook their heads and Jimin laid his head down on Jungkooks shoulder. Cuddling closer to him and hugging his arm as he tried to get comfy. Jungkook groaned but let him do what he wanted to let him get satisfied. He didn't want another episode like this morning.

"What's up with you two", Jimin mimicked quietly as he closed his eyes,"We just don't feel good okay?"

Everyone that was in the room; just Namjoon and Yoongi, looked at him with surprised eyes. Jungkook just shushed him and moved his head a little and was running his fingers through his hair. Petting him to try to keep his temper down. "Hey shh. He was just wondering what was wrong hyung that's all"

"He doesn't need to know everything" Jimin growled under his breath as he moved his head again to make Jungkook stop rubbing his head. Making him just sigh again and get up. Brushing off his shirt and going upstairs. Jimin frowned and just pulled his legs to his chest. Hugging them and snuggling his head into his knees.

Namjoon noticed and scooted a little closer. Cautiously wrapping his arm around him as he rubbed his back in comfort. "We just want to know what's wrong," Namjoon said in a hushed whisper to make sure he doesn't feel startled,"Is it your stomach?" All Jimin did was nod to the answer. Moving slowly and just cuddling into Namjoon. That's all he wanted was to cuddle someone. No matter who it was at the moment. Namjoon smiled softly and cuddled him back a little closer. He flinched when Jimin busted into tears though all of a sudden. He pulled him away and made Jimin look him in the eyes. "Hey does it hurt that bad?"

Jimin shook his head. Crying so hard he started to hiccup. "Jungkook i-is mad at m-me!" he cried. Namjoon gave him soft hushes as he was rubbing his back. Trying to get him to calm down.

"No no he's not upset at you" Namjoon assured him as he moved him to get him to look him in the eyes. Giving him the smile of confidence. "He's not mad" he repeated which just ended with Jimin finally calming down. Only with soft sniffles and hiccups here and there.

Everyone jumped when Jungkook came jogging down the stairs. Almost stomping his feet. "What's wrong!?" He said worried as he came over to Jimin. Hugging him close as he looked at Namjoon for an answer but all he got was a shrug.

"I-I thought you were mad at me" Jimin mumbled as he sniffed. Wiping his eyes and finally starting to calm down.

Jungkook laughed quietly as he pushed the messy hair out his hyungs face. Giving his forehead a kiss. "I promise with everything I'm not upset. I just had to go to the bathroom"

With glistening eyes of old tears, he looked at Kookie and smiled. Sniffing his stuffed nose away but it wasn't that easy. Jungkook got a tissue from the table side next to the couch and gave it to Jimin who just blew into it. Wiping his eyes first then crumbling it up into his hand as he wiped his eyes once again. Jungkook helped wiped them for him and gave him a soft kiss. "I love you so much..." he mumbled as he gave him another quick kiss.

Once everyone calmed down; mostly Jimin, everyone went to the studio to do their practices. Gathering up in the dance room and sitting on the floor. Jimin was snuggling his back into Jungkooks chest as he listened to everyone talk about the concert that is in two months.

Jimin and Jungkook talked about it by themselves and was saying about two weeks before they practice for the first concert, he would have to tell the others he was pregnant. That he couldn't perform but could say to army that his knee and back have been sore and that he cant perform but can sing while sitting onto a stool.

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