Month 04 | Merry Christmas (I'm back!)

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(a/n- almost 400 reads since I've been gone!? what's happening!? too bad there's alot of ghost readers :/ thank you to those who vote though! it means a lot!)

"Ahhhh get up get up" Taehyung shook Jungkook and Jimin who were in their bed like a little kid. It was Christmas morning.

Sometimes Jimin and Jungkook felt like Taehyung was already their kid. Actually, they all felt like they were each others kid. It was a good bond.

"Mm go away Tae... I'm not getting up yet!" Jimin snapped.

So much for a sweet Christmas morning. Jungkook got up and rubbed the tiredness out his eyes, then his face. "Mm.. Morning Taehyung" he greeted with a big yawn afterwards.

He smiled and got off of the bed. Grabbing Jungkook by the wrist and pulling him off of the bed. He laughed at his hyung as he got up on his two feet again. Knowing he couldn't get Jimin up, he left to let Jungkook do that.

Jungkook stretched as he walked over to the other side of the bed. Pulling the covers from Jimin and smiling as he kneeled down. "Morning sunshine" Jungkook grinned as he planted a kiss on his cheek. Pushing his hair from his forehead and giving him another kiss.

With a loud groan, Jimin put his hand onto Jungkooks chest. Pushing him but not with enough tired strength to push him all the way away. Jungkook just grabbed Jimins hand and interlocked their fingers. He put his hand underneath his mochi and was pulling him to sit up. Jimin groaned louder when he was setting up. Rubbing his eyes and giving a loud irritated sigh. "I don't wanna get up..."

"Well, you should it's Christmas. Come on" Jungkook smiled as he stuffed his arms underneath his arms and lifted him up to stand onto his own two feet. Looking Kookie in the eyes Jimin smiled and shook his head. Going over to the closet and putting on an overly large sweater to be comfortable with loose jeans. "I'm sure Taehyung and the others want to do presents first before doing anything they planned"

Jimin nodded as he dragged his feet into the bedroom bathroom and fixing his hair in the mirror. Giving the famous curl back to its original form and going back and sitting onto the edge of the bed. 

Jungkook noticed after he put on a pair of sweatpants. Smiling as he grabbed Jimins hands once again and swinging them back and forth. "You gonna be okay with telling them?" Jungkook mumbled to him.

Jimin only nodded again as he looked up to Kookie in the eyes. Puffing out his cheeks. Jungkook smiled and leaned down and gave both of his cheeks a nice little peck, but then kissing the actual right place. "Let's go downstairs" Jimin finally faced as he got up from the bed. Jungkook grabbed one hand and they both went downstairs into the living room.

Sure enough, everyone was in the living room sitting on the couch, recliner, or the floor near either of the furniture. Namjoon and Seokjin were sitting on the couch together, Yoongi was sitting sideways on the recliner and Taehyung and Hoseok were sitting on the floor in front of the couch. 

When Yoongi saw them two come into the living room, he got up and sat next to Hoseok on the floor. Leaning his head onto his Seokjins knee but moving not even a minute later to lay down with his head on Hoseoks thigh. 

Jungkook sat onto the recliner and Jimin just sat down onto his lap. Jungkook holding him close into his chest. 

"Are we gonna go youngest to oldest or oldest to youngest?" Namjoon announced as everyone passed out the presents from the tree and got back into their spots.

"Youngest to oldest! Youngest to oldest!" Jungkook and Taehyung cheered.

Jimin glared hard at both of them. Drifting their eyes away from the mad mochi. "O-Or we can go oldest to youngest" Jungkook stuttered as he gave Jimin a little squeeze.

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