Jake's pov

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Jake's pov*

I think I like gabbie she is really sweet and funny also cute and her laugh is adorable I like the way when she smiles she looks down and her hair falls perfect her gray eyes u could just stare into her soul and feel warm.

  Today me and Gabriella are hanging out she asked and I agreed.

  My girlfriend melody showed up at the mall and seen us she kissed me and called gabriella a hoe I could see the hurt in gabriellas eyes she ran off before I could say anything i wanted to yell at melody but I can't if only gabbie knew that us dating was arranged maybe she wouldn't hate me but I can't tell anyone.. 😔💔

Gabriella pov

   I ran home and shut my door I i sit on my bed and cry Jake keeps texting me but I threw my phone at my wall and didn't want anyone to talk to me my mom and my brother tried but I won't let them in I won't tell them what happened I will be fine without him

I really like him tho I wish he new he didn't tell me he has girlfriend am I really what she says I mean I have only had 1 boyfriend and I was only 12 at the time I don't count it I mean I am pure?

  "Honey plz let me in" my mom says

  "Mom ! I want to be alone I can't handle people rn"
   She tried the door one more time huffed and walked away I just sit there and look out the window and see Jake passing the floor he stops and runs his hand through his hair and then sits down I close my blinds out of anger I don't want to see him or anyone.

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