Axiety of Waiting

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"Now is time for Ivan Braginsky, skaing to 'Russian Music box.' An orchestra peice of music!"
The announcer called as a tall man with snowy hair skated into the middle of the ice rink. His white scarf was long and he wore it every competition and even out in public.
The sound of violin and pianos was then playing as the Russian began to skate with the other skaters were either watching him skate or rehersing and streching for their performance coming up. He moved swiftly and when the violins made a loud sound and the piano grew louder, he did a quad axel.

It was a short peice of music so he had to be quick about his flips and try to fit in how many he wanted. He did another and Matthew noticed his older brother git his teeth. This was Matthew's first competition with the other skaters and his brother, Alfred, was one of the best skaters. Though, Ivan was the world's famous men's figure skater, Alfred was the second world's famous men's figure skater. Matthew was currently in last place since he hadn't earned any points yet.
"Ivan is getting on my nerves." Alfred took a sip from the McDonalds' soda he had.
Matthew saw Alfred start tapping his foot, "Alfred...calm down. Didn't Francis say to not get tense before your performance? The last time-"
"I know what happened last time!" Alfred snapped before he took a breathe, "...I hit my face on the ice and that's why I have glasses. I don't think I can forget."
The brothers both payed attention to the ice again and were surprised to see Ivan to do a quad flip before the music had ended and he stood in a pose, his hand on his heart and his other arm out, panting. The crowd cheered and Matthew saw Alfred's eye twitch.
"I'm going to destroy that man!" Alfred said under his breathe.
"I'm sure you will." Matthew smiled nervously, holding a small polar bear plushie Francis gave him when he was young. "But first we have to wait until Ivan gets his score real fast."
"Oh. right." Alfred said as he saw Ivan get off the ice from the other side of the rink and shortly after, there he was smiling with his coach waiting for his score. He was holding a banque of sunflowers which was his favorite.

The points were charted differently and were charted from 1-10. The crowd cheered when his points were given. The brothers turned and looked by a nearby t.v.
"Ivan Braginsky: First Round Points: 8. All Points of Winter Tournament: 8."
This was the beginning of the Winter Tounament for Mens Ice Skating and luckaly, Matthew was barely accepted into the Tournament. This was the first round for all ice skaters in the tournament, and so far, Ivan had the most. 1 point was equal to a poor performance, 5 points were equal to average, and 10 points were equal to outstanding.
"Alfred, it's your turn." Francis came up behind the brothers, startling them for a second.
"Oh! Right!" Alfred said excitedly. Matthew helped his brother take off his jacket which had "AMERICA" written on the back with his flag colors. Matthew was wearing the same jacket but it had "CANADA" on it with his flag colors. Taking off his jacket revealed Alfred's costume which was a cowboy costume. Brown hat, brown vest, black gloves, red hankercheif, black pants, and black skates. He handed his glasses to Matthew and smiled.
"Break a leg." Francis smiled as he stood next to Matthew and Alfred went out onto the ice.
"...But don't really!" Matthew called out.
"He'll be fine." Francis said. "The thing is, will you be? You're performance is only an hour away."
Francis had the right to worry for Matthew. The french-man was his coach after all.
"Um....I'll be fine..." Matthew hesitated.
"Don't worry too much, Mon Ami. I'm going to go talk to Ivan for a bit, I'll be back." Francis waved as he went away somewhere.
Matthew turned back to the ice as the announcer had called out Alfred's name and the song he was skating to. Of course, It was a country song. A few performances after Alfred's, the Canadian did start to have a small anxiety attack when it became closer to his turn. Who already had their turn...?

Ivan, Alfred, Antino, Kiku, Feliciano, Mathias... now Greece was skating, then a small break and then Mathew's turn. The walls began to come closer and he couldn't breathe. Alfred noticed this as they were sitting next to each other on a bench and asked, "Hey, Bro, you good?"

"I'll be back!" He stood quickly, clenching the bear in his arms, and ran off to find a bathroom. He passed by a few people in the hallways before it was quiet and there was the bathroom around the cornor-
Matthew was about to fall before someone grabbed his wrist quickly before he could fall backwards. His bear had already fallen somewhere and so did his glasses.
"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" He panicked as the person pulled him back to his feet as he was leaning towards the floor. He couldn't see and it worried him that someone might step on his glasses. He shut his eyes tight and clenched his hands before he felt something on his nose and his ears. He opened his eyes and he could see... Ivan?!!!!!!
"I should be doing the apolagizing. I was not looking where I was going. I would never want to hurt you purposly." Ivan smiled nervously as he handed Mathew his bear. "Are you alright?
"Uh....Yeah. I-I'm fine!" Matthew looked up at the taller man. "I...uh... I think you're performance!"
"Oh. You think so? Thank you...Matthew...was it?"
"Y-yeah! Yeah! I'm Matthew-"
"A quick announcement then the rookie, Matthew Williams will perform!" The announcer called.
It was quiet before Mathew nervously and quickly said, "I guess I have to go now!" He quickly turned around and wanted to run but Ivan held his wrist again gently, forcing him to stop.
"Well, I wish you the best of luck. I also thik your bear is cute. I hope we get to meet again soon!" Ivan said before letting go of Matthew's wrist and Matthew quickly walked to find Alfred again.
He couldn't beleive it as his own face was being a traitor to his mind.
His heart was pounding and he held tigher to his bear.
He was...blushing...something he almost never did.


To be Continued....

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