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     Matthew swore he couldn't even breath correctly that moment. He was having more anxiety than his first skating performance and that would be a lot. Arthur was helping him put on his suit along with Francis while Ivan's sisters was helping him with his along with Alfred. Matthew even shivered a bit when he even heard Alfred yelp from the other room. Down three hallways.

     "Look at you, Matthew~" Francis said, as he helped him put on his suit's jacket which was a perfect white.

     "White does suit you." Arthur commented.
     Matthew turned in front of the full length mirror, observing himself. "It does look pretty fancy."

    "Time to do your hair!" Francis said cheerfully as he set Matthew down in front of a mirror and he sat down.

    "I didn't think there's really much to do with my hair." Matthew tried to say as Francis brushed his hair smoothly.

     "We can make it slicked back."
    "No, thanks you."

    "How about tucked behind the ear?"
    "No thank you."

    "A small little bun?"

    "No! Francis, I just want my hair to be normal how it is everyday. Just a little more cleaned up, that's all."

    "Oh fine." Francis pouted, "It is your wedding after all."


    "Stop trying to bite me!" Alfred yelped as Natalya (Belarus) tried to nip him when he tried to fix Ivan's collar.

    "Do not touch Big Brother." Natalya replied back.

    Alfred breathed hard, thinking, "Why did I get trapped with the Russian siblings?"

    "You look so handsome, Ivan!" Katusha (Ukraine) smiled with a small giggle.

    "Thank you, Big Sister." Ivan smiled, putting his jacket on by himself, wearing a black suit unlike Matthew.

    "Yeah, Ivan. You look sharp!" Alfred did his wink thing, putting up a thumbs up.

     "So your fiance is..." Natalya faced Alfred, "...this... man's brother?"

    Alfred felt the red pulse on his forehead, "What's wrong with Ivan's fiance being my brother?!!!"

    "Well, because I am thinking that he is much like you. Annoying." Natalya looked at him with a glare.


     Ivan covered Alfred's mouth with his gloved hand before he could shout again, "Alfred, calm down." He turned to his younger sister, "No need to worry. Matthew is actually the opposite of Alfred. He is much quiet and more peaceful."

    "Your fiance is Matthew?"

    "Da." Ivan nodded. He could tell Natalya wasn't thrilled for marrying someone. He knew she had a hard crush on him bit he tried to ignore it but now that hard crush was turning into something very scary right about then.

     "Did Ludwig say he was coming?" Matthew asked as Arthur was going through the invitations they set out.

     "Yes. He said he is. He's coming with Feliciano too. And Feliciano is bringing his brother Lovino. And Lovino is bringing Antino... And so it goes on." Arthur sighed.

     "Antino... isn't that bad." Matthew said, realizing he hasn't ever really talked to him.

    "I'm so proud that you're getting married! And in the most beautiful church in all of Canada!" Francis twirled.

     "I wouldn't say the most beautiful church in Canada. I would actually be-" Arthur was interrupted by Francis.

     "Well, to me and Matthew it's more beautiful than the other Churches in this whole country!" Francis said back.

    "It is to me." Matthew said quietly but the two older men listened and only smiled.

(Wedding timeskip!)

    After all of the guests were seated and it went quiet after a moment, the wedding started. Ivan was already up on the alter along with the priest. Ivan shouldn't stop shaking and Katusha had to whisper to him to stop it. Usually Ivan was the one who was known as strong and scary but right now...he was the one being scared out of his own skin.

    He stopped and his shaking was gone once he saw Matthew walking down the aisle with a light blush. Francis felt like crying for real as he walked down the aisle with Matthew and he let him go when they reached the alter.

    Ivan couldn't stop blushing and fidgeting with his fingers when he saw Matthew standing right in front of him as the priest spoke on and on. Matthew could see Alfred half way falling asleep, trying to not fall on his own feet. Since he was the ring bearer, he had to wait until the priest asked for the rings.

    After a long time of words, the priest finally said,

    "Do you take Matthew Williams to be your loving husband, to care for in health or in sick?"

    Ivan smiled softly, "I do."

    "And do you take Ivan Braginsky to be your loving husband, to care for in health or in sick?"

    "I do." Matthew started to tear up a bit.

    "May I see the rings." The priest said. Alfred walked up to them and Ivan took the rings, nodding Alfred 'thank you.' He put on his ring before putting the other on Matthew's finger.

    "I now pronounce you two as officially married."

    Ivan smiled and the two tried to kiss each other but they both went the same way. Then again. They both laughed before Matthew wrapped his arms around his neck to pull him down and kissed him. Ivan kissed back, wrapping his arms around him too.

    The people sitting in the pews clapped and rejoiced and whistled.
Matthew looked at Ivan in his smokey purple eyes and smiled softly.

    "I love you, Ivan."

   "I love you too, Matthew."

   "Promise me you won't leave me like Gilbert did?"

   "I just made my promise in front of at least 50 people." Ivan chuckled.

    "Can you just say it to me."

    Ivan took a breath, "I promise I won't leave you like Gilbert did. I promise I won't ever leave you heartbroken, or confused about our love. And I'll let you know every day if I have to, that I love you and it won't ever change. I promise."

    Matthew smiled and kissed him sweetly as Ivan kissed him back.
   "I love us."

    There's the end of the wedding!💙
   (I might make small little stories of when Ivan and Matthew have two children and they take care of them. Maybe. I may be absent this week because of testing so wish me luck and I hoped you enjoyed the story!)


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