Morning Affection

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     Ivan was the first to wake up and get dressed after his shower. He brused his hair and his teeth and then he went into the living room. He remembered he put Matthew in his bed last night when the little Canadian fell asleep in his arms.

     He checked the time on the microwave: 8:16. He was a little startled when he heard a sudden knock on the door. Hoping it didn't wake Matthew up, he opened the door to see Gilbert smiling,

     "Good morning, Russian boy."

     "Good morning, Gilbert. How may I help you?"

     "I heard what happened yesterday with you and Alfred and I wanted I make sure you're not crying about it."

     "I am not. Now goodbye." Ivan tried to close his door but Gilbert blocked it with his foot which made Ivan open the door again.

     "I actually have something else to say." Gilbert then spoke quietly, not trying to wake Ivan's neighbor's. "I would like you to stay away from Matthew as well."

     "What? Aren't you dating Antino, though?" Ivan was confused.

     "I am but if things go south with Antino, I want Matthew to be single and away from other men so I could have him back."
     Ivan shook his head, "You are sick man, Gilbert. I'm sorry but he's already mine and mine to keep, not for you to start seeing again if you and Antino break up."

     "Actually," Gilbert crossed his arms and smirked, "He doesn't belong to any of us. Neither of us has marked him yet, (Marked him=had sex with) but we both know it will be with me-"

     "Too late."

     Gilbert's eyes widened, "What do you mean?"

     "We had it last night." Ivan grinned down at the albino man, "I also put hickey on his neck, so I marked him twice."

     "Y-you're joking...right?"


      Gilbert stared at the ground before clenching his teeth, "You bastard! He was mine! Not for anyone to ever touch-!"

      Ivan held Gilbert's chin in a tight grip, tilting it slightly so he could ace him,
     "He was your's but you left him to think about what he did. You never told him where you were going. You never wanted to stay with him. You left him. All this time he thought it was always his fault why you left but we all know it was your's. It was your fault and you made him this way, too afraid to love but I'm trying to help him and by doing that... I'm giving him my love so he could forget about your's."

     Gilbert pushed out of Ivan's grip and groaned, "Bastard. He is going to be mine again." He walked off down the hallway and Ivan closed the door quietly, locking it. He sighed,
     "This canadian is giving me hard time but... it's worth it."

     A little while later, Matthew woke up in Ivan's bed. He rubbed his eyes awake and looked around, trying to remember how he ended up there in the Russian's room. He tried to get up but his legs were so sore! Oh right... He blushed when he remembered why they were so sore, because Ivan was so rough last night.

      He got up and put on his pants he found next to the bed but he couldn't find his shirt which was still on the arm on the couch. He used one of Ivan's button-up shirts hanging up in his closet and thought it was a little big but he didn't mind.

     "Morning, Ivan."

     Ivan was drinking a small glass of Vodka to wake up and had his eyes resting while he was leaning against the counter in the kitchen. He opened his eyes and blushed when he saw Matthew wearing one of his shirts and nearly choked on his own drink. "M-morning Matthew..." He wiped his mouth.

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