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     Matthew woke up the next morning in his hotel room. He rubbed his eyes awake and put his glasses on. He yawned as he stood up from his bed and took a shower before he got dressed and ate. He picked up his bomber jacket and duffle bag and went out the door to go to a nearby indoor skating rink to meet Francis there. Francis did tell Matthew that the skaters in the tournament could practice in the skating rink they held the tournament in but all Matthew said was,
    "No, they'll just make me nervous. There's a rink not too far away we could use." And that's what they did that morning.
     "Now's the double axel!"  Francis called, standing on the side of rink as he observed Matthew rehearsing his routine for his next performance. He spun then jumped once then his twice. Francis noticed he tried to do a triple one but stopped at the last minute and continued on, trying to make it unnoticeable.

     "Get ready for another spin!"

     He glided across the ice and even skated backwards a bit just to spin one final time and posed with his arms lifted lazily against his sides.

    "How was that?" Matthew huffed skating to his coach.
    "It was better than last time but I noticed that you tried to make the double axel into a triple. I know you're not just ready for it."

     "What? But I can try to nail it so the choreography could look better. The way you made the choreography for yourself was made with two triple axels, not just two double ones."

     "Yes, I know my own choreography, but it's best to start off slow. Even Alfred tried to do two triple axels and he nearly passed out when he finished. It's just too much."

      Matthew skated to the side and sat down on a bench with Francis sitting beside him as he heard Francis talk a little more. "How was your dinner last night?"

     He had completely forgotten about the dinner last night but it was all coming back. He even blushed and covered his mouth when he remembered the most wonderful kiss he had received from Ivan. He tried to convince his mind it was all for show to make Gilbert jealous like the two had planned but it felt like it meant so much more than to show off.

     Without an answer but Matthew's reaction, Francis smiled, "I'm guessing it was great."

     "O-oh...yeah it was..." He uncovered his mouth for Francis to see his smile.

      "Where did you two go to eat?"

      "The cafe on 13th Street where Arthur's friend used to work. Then we went looking around shops and when we passed down a skating rink downtown, we saw Gilbert-"

      "Oh..." Francis suddenly looked irrated at the thought of his old friend's name.

      "Then he started to brag about the gifts he had gotten Antino for their anniversary. Then Ivan stood up for me and made Gilbert surprised..."

      "How did he do that?"

      "Ivan said that we were dating which was what caught Gilbert by surprise."

      "But Gilbert isn't that easy to lie to-"
      "Yeah, he isn't. He even asked us to kiss to just prove it.
      "Did you?"
       Matthew nodded, smiling like a boy on his birthday, "It was the sweetest kiss I've ever had from anoyone! It felt like I was even melting..."
      "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

      The two men turned around when they heard an unfamiliar voice say that. They then saw Ivan standing behind them, holding his duffle bag and smiling, wearing his white scarf and a black coat.

     "I-Ivan?!" The two said, surprised to see the Russian there. Matthew was even more surprised as Fancis stood and hugged the taller man.

      "What brings you here, Mon Ami?" He let go and stood back to let Ivan speak.

Figure 8 (Ruscan Figure Skating) HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now