Vodka and Wine

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"Why don't you just stop and leave my brother alone! He's already been heartbroken and he doesn't need to handle it a second time!" Alfred yelled.

     The American was caught off guard when the blonde Englishman pulled him by the ear away from Ivan and Matthew, "You bloody American twit!"

     "Hey! Arthur let go! Ow! ow! ow!"
     Ivan turned to Matthew and walked over to him,
"Sunflower?" Matthew had his back turned to the Russian. "Alfred left..."

     "I'm so sorry..." Matthew was hugging himself and crying silently, "I'm so sorry..."

     "There's nothing to be sorry about. That was only Alfred being...well...Alfred."

     "You didn't deserve to be yelled at,I did. Alfred told me many times to keep my distance from you but look at me now. I ignored him and he has every right to yell"

      "Don't say that," Ivan made Matthew turn around to face him. "You don't deserve to be yelled at by Alfred. He shouldn't even be yelling in the first place. You don't need to be yelled at by your brother, you two aren't kids anymore so Alfred doesn't get to decide who you get to love or not. You can love who you want with all your heart."

      Matthew rubbed his eyes, "Then...I love you with all my heart."

      Ivan smiled and blushed a light pink, "I love you with all my heart too, Matthew." He gave Matthew a small kiss on the lips which made Matthew's heart flutter.

      After a few more skaters, it was Matthew's turn to skate. After Ivan gave him the small speech, Matthew wasn't completely worried to stand by Ivan. He took off his jacket and Ivan offered to hold it as Matthew skated onto the ice.

       His costume was full of brown, yellow, orange, and a dark red color too. It was easy to tell what he was representing. It was Fall. The music played: starting off with a soft piano then intercoursing into the sound of guitar strings along with the piano still playing. He spun around as he glided across the rink before he did a double-axel which the crowd cheered. He glided again as his feet were making swerves on the ice. He would have to do a triple-axel in a short minute and it haunted his mind if he cut it short or if he fell or if he would get hurt. He spun again, the blades of his skates clinking together as he put his feet a little too close together.

     He was ready to jump but before he did, he had to spin in a few circles with his feet tracing the ice, almost like a roller coaster and how it still stays on track but the car moves by itself. He caught a glimpse of Ivan and Francis watching him right before he did his triple-axel. And he completed it. The crowd cheered as he finished his skate with a pose. He huffed as he heard clapping and cheering. Once he got off the ice, he received his score:
      "Matthew Williams. Second Round Points: 8. All Tournament Points: 15."

     He felt like screaming to the world. He got from last place (6th place) to fourth place! It was a big accomplishment for him! The goal he wanted to reach!

     As they were walking out of the building together with some other people, Ivan looked down at Matthew to see him smiling brightly even in the night apnoshere.

     "Why is little Sunflower so happy?"

     "I'm in fourth place! I passed two other skaters!"

     "Congratulations, Matthew!" Ivan hugged him as Matthew laughed with joy. "Would you like to celebate at my hotel room? It could be...a date."

     "...A date?" Matthew blushed but realized it wouldn't be their first date. "Of course, but I'll have to get changed when we get back to the hotel."

Figure 8 (Ruscan Figure Skating) HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now