First Kiss

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   "M-Married...?" Matthew whispered under his breath as the waiter turned to Ivan again,

    "So who proposed?"

    "I did~!" Ivan smiled, putting his elbows on the table and resting his head in his hands.

    The waiter turned to Matthew now, "Well may I see a ring?" The Canadian realized he did have a gold ring on his left hand on his ring finger. Matthew showed the waiter his hand and the waiter smiled,

      "Congratulations. I'll get your food and it will be out soon." He took the menus and went back into the kitchen. Matthew let out a soft sigh,

     "Ivan, How did you know I was wearing a ring?"

     "I saw it when you were locking your door at the hotel."

     "O-Oh." Matthew leaned back in his chair as he took a sip of the coffee the waiter had brought them earlier.

      "Where did you get it?" Ivan asked quickly, his face still in the palms of his hands, gazing at Matthew.


      "Where did you get ring?" The Russian repeated.

         "Oh... Well... When I was dating Gilbert, he gave it to me on your first anniversary. But the would would either be too small or too big for my fingers besides my ring finger. I think he bought an engagement ring which was meant for your ring finger without knowing. Then...we broke up but he didn't ask for it back." Matthew explained.

        Ivan's smile faded slightly, feeling sympathy for him. "I'm sorry to hear that. Do you mind if I ask why?"

       "He moved away to Spain without telling me. He went there so he could be Antino's coach, but then I soon found out that they were dating." Matthew lowed the cup from his lips onto the table, folding his hands onto the table too. It was quiet besides the soft jazz music playing.

       Ivan reached his arm over to Matthew and held Matthew's hand. "I really am sorry to hear that. I would never do that to you." Their eyes met in a gentle but deep way, "You're too sweet and kind and...perfect...for anyone to leave you like that."
      Matthew smiled, no one had ever said that to him before and they had really meant it. "Thank you, much."

     Ivan nodded as he moved his hand away. He was Matthew's rolemodel. Matthew did have a small crush on Ivan and Alfred would tease him for it, thinking it was a joke, of course. But it wasn't. Could he actually love Ivan?

      No! Alfred would kill me! Matthew shook the thought out of his head.

       "Something on your mind?" Ivan asked, noticing this.

       "Nothing to worry about. Thank you."

-timeskip, like 20 mins later-

    The rest of the night was calm and relaxing with Ivan. They dicided to walk around and look through shops after they ate, not wanting to go back to the hotel just yet. They laughed together and they even got to know more about each other. Even things that the other wouldn't tell anyone else.

     They were passing a ice skating rink downtown. They watched the Adults and children skating as they were skating by them. Matthew was warm next to Ivan, holding onto his strong but cozy arm, watching as some adults fell and laughed.

      "Hey, Little Birdie!"

      The two men turned to the ice to see Gilbert skating towards the wall to talk to them. Ivan glanced down at Matthew who let go of his arm and walked to Gilbert, seeing what he wanted. It was now cold when he left Ivan's side.

      "Hey, Gilbert. It's been awhile since I've...seen you." Matthew gulped, remembering the last time he saw him was half a year ago before he had left him alone.

      "Yeah, it has been awhile. A long while actually, I see you're friends with Russian boy now." Gilbert grinned.

       Ivan moved closer to them when he heard the word 'russian' wondering what they were talking about. Right when Matthew was about to talk, Gilbert inturupted again,

      "Antino and I are actually skating tonight for our seven month anniversary. I got him a beautiful diamond ring!" He bragged.

     Matthew felt the ring on his finger feel useless and unvaluable now. He just wanted to throw the ring in Gilbert's eye and run off. Ivan now noticed Matthew, looking down at his feet as Gilbert continued to brag. When it sounded like Gilbert was done talking, Ivan smiled as he pulled Matthew into a side hug, Matthew's eyes widening a bit surprised,

     "Matthew and I are actually dating!"

      Matthew froze, blushing. First he told a waiter they were married, now he told his ex that they were dating!???

      "Oh what! You two are dating?!" Gilbert was caught by the  surprise news.

      "Oh..." Matthew dicided to play along, "Yes... we are! We've been dating for a few days now."

      "Really now?" Gilbert smirked, not believing them, "Prove it. Kiss." The Albino knew that Matthew was only comfortable with a second kiss, not the very first one. He would always get nervous and shy but he had to make Gilbert jealous, So did Ivan after hearing about what he did to Matthew.

      He felt Ivan's eyes on him without Gilbert noticing and Matthew gave an unnoticeable nod to him. Ivan leaned down and tilted Matthew's chin up to get a better angle. He tried to not look nervous wrn the taller man kissed him. It wasn't just a peck like Matthew had hoped for for his first kiss but a long, passionate, and deep kiss, close to having tongue but he was releifed when Ivan didn't. Ivan pulled away to see Matthew slowly melting into it. He was melting into his wonderland with Ivan.

      "Wow." Gilbert clapped as Ivan smiled down to Matthew. "That's the first person I've ever seen you kiss, Russian Boy. I actually have to go now. Bye love birds~!" He skated off and met Antino somewhere across the rink.

      Matthew took a breath, "So we're now boyfriend's." It was quiet for a second before he spoke again, Ivan actually letting him unlike Gilbert, "Thank you for sticking up for me. I didn't want him to think I am still desperate for him even though I'm not."

      "You are welcome. Why did you date him though? He's surprisingly annoying and easy to get jealous. I could tell."

      Matthew kept in a small laugh but he let it out as they continued to walk, "Antino this, Antino that. He won't stop!" They both laughed, Matthew was edn surprised to hear Ivan laugh which he never did, not even on t.v.

     They went back to the hotel and Ivan said good night to him when they got split up, giving Matthew a sweet kiss on his forehead before leaving to his room.

      "That....was absolutely amazing!" Matthew was blushing as he danced a little around his room, smiling.

     To be continued....

Sorry for the long chapter, or unless you like to read long chapters, idk. Anyways, there's going to be more chapters soon! I already have the chapters written out so I'll be trying to post new ones as soon as I can!



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