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Matthew turned and spun on his skates as Ivan was doing the same. They were still practicing their routine as the other skaters were taking a break. Some were even watching them and were impressed with Matthew's tricks.
"One more triple axel for the end and that will be our last trick." Ivan called as they were finishing the final part of their routine, gliding across the ice. Matthew nodded right before they both did their triple axels. They both then landed close to each other where Ivan held him up on his shoulder and Matthew raised his arms high.
Francis clapped and skated onto the ice to them when Ivan set Matthew back down on his feet. "That was amazing you two! You both did wonderful, and I never knew Matthew could do two triple axels during a whole performance!"
"Yeah, thank you." Matthew breathed a little hard.
"I can't wait." Ivan smiled softly.
"Me too." Matthew kisses Ivan's cheek lightly.
"Ooh~!" France smirked and frolicked on his skates, "I can already see you two getting married~!"
"Married?!" The two lovers were in shock at the sudden statement. "I don't think I'm ready for that."
Francis only laughed.
Everyone froze and turned to the direction of where they heard yelling. Matthew turned and saw it was Gilbert and Antino yelling at one another, both looking as frustrated as the other.
    "Just let go of me, you bastard!" Antino yelled, pulling his arm away from Gilbert as he stormed off.
    "Wow..." Francis said quietly. "That was quite a fight."
     "Very." Matthew replied, who looked up at Ivan who was only shaking his head. He noticed Matthew looking at him and shrugged it off,
    "Once more?" He smiled.
    "Yeah..." Matthew took his hand as they both started over again while Francis skated to the side again.


     "There you are, Alfred!" Matthew ran up to the blonde male who was standing on the side walk in front of the cafe. "I'm sorry I'm late. There's a lot if people out this afternoon."
     "Yeah." Alfred shrugged and turned around, walking into the cafe with Matthew behind him.
     "So...You and Kiki are partners?" Matthew asked as they both sat down across from each other.
      Alfred only nodded. Matthew sighed, knowing it was going to be awkward but mostly for himself. "Alfred, I'm sorry." He said quickly. His brother looked at him for once
"Alfred, I am sorry that I didn't listen to you. I'm dating Ivan even though you told me not to but I soon realized that I don't need you're approval. We're both adults and we can do what we want. I'm not controlling your life and you don't get to control mine."
      Alfred stared at him and smiled a bit which scared Matthew, making him jump in his seat.
     "I forgive you." Alfred smiled completely. "You make a perfect point, bro. We shouldn't be messing with each other's lives like it's our own and I completely understand."
     "Ah! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! But...Now that you understand how I feel...I want you to do something for me."
     "Sure, anything."
     "...You have to be nice to Ivan in public."
     "...Tone 'anything' down a bit. I'm not doing that and I can't."
     "Please! You two should learn how to get along, you're not kids anymore so I don't think you should act like ones."
     "I guess you're right..." He scratched the back on his neck, "But wait! He still treats me like dirt too!"
     "He won't! I already talked to him, it's just you two haven't seen each other face to face yet for you to tell."
     "Alright. But if he does, then I don't ever want to see him again." Alfred growled.
     "Got it." He smiled nervously, "Does that mean It's alright if I still date him?"
     "Yeah I guess-"
     "Yaaaayyy! Thank you so much!"
     "Yeah... you're welcome, Mattie."

    To be continued...

Author's note:
Hey, I took a short break to think about the story line a little bit so I could write more. Sorry for the wait, this chapter isn't really important anyways, more like a short intermission.

Figure 8 (Ruscan Figure Skating) HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now