It's Not His Fault

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It was the night of the duo performance and Matthew was nervous out of his mind. More people came to watch once the public found out that the world's most famous ice skater and the rookie ice skater are skating partners. That meant more fans to come see them before and even after the performance. Matthew was still people shy and he even promised himself that he would be over it when he started skating but he didn't get over it.

     While Ivan was gone, giving the song to the announcers, Francis was even trying to calm him with his bear plushie and when Arthur noticed, he was there too.

     "Just calm down, Matthew." Arthur sweated.

     "Yes, please, Mon Amor!" Francis sweated too, both worried.
     "Can I just be left alone?" He said quietly.
      "Of course!" Francis said.
      "Let's go see how Alfred is doing." Arthur suggested and the two coaches left Matthew on the medal bench to give him some space.
     Matthew took a few short breathes, trying to not be overwhelmed. He tilted his head back against the wall and closed his eyes, holding onto his bear to relax.
     He then had the feeling someone was sitting next to him. He turned his head and saw Gilbert there.
    "W-What you want?" Matthew stumbled over his words.
    "Just tired. I have been dealing with a furious Antino lately." Gilbert sighed.
    "Where's the ring I got you?" Gilbert pointed to Matthew's hand and he completely forgot.
    "I uh-"
    Gilbert took Matthew's hand, studying the ring and surprising the Canadian. "And who gave you this ring?"
     "Stop..." Matthew said quietly but not loud enough for him to hear.
      "Someone must have paid at least thousands for this ring. I only paid 70-"
     "Stop it, Gilbert!" Matthew pulled his hand away from him.
     "What the hell did I do?"
     "Just stop! Look, I know what your trying to do, Ivan told me all of it."
     Gilbert froze but Matthew only continued, "and No, You can't just date me again just because you and Antino aren't getting along!"
      "Matthew, let me put it in a better way to say it.."
      "I am not going to listen to any way you put this situation!" Matthew stood, "It is not my fault why you and Antino are falling apart! It is not my fault why you left me alone! It was never my fault but yet you let my think that for almost over a year now! It was always your fault and it will always be!"
      Gilbert only stared at him before he stood and stormed off. Matthew watched him, feeling as confident as ever, wasn't his fault.
       He felt someone hug him from behind and he felt the warm aura, recognizing it almost instantly. He looked up and saw Ivan's purple eyes shining at him with a smile,
     "Matthew, I'm so proud of you right now."
     "Because you know that you're capable of telling the cold hard truth to someone as sick as Gilbert.
     Matthew only smiled, turning around and hugging him back, earning a kiss from Ivan.

     It was time to skate their routine but the anxiety that Matthew had drained out of his body to only fill up with courage.
     "For our first performance, we have Ivan Braginsky and Matthew Williams as partners, skating to, Clarity." The announcer called as the both skated onto the ice.

       They started to skate their routine, starting off with Ivan skating his first part in which included a double axel, which the crowd cheered when he landed it. Next was Matthew's part, he skated to it and it also included a double axel. He landed it perfectly and the crowd cheered too. Then, they had to swerve across the rink and slide around on their skates before doing a small twister. They both stopped in the middle of the rink, ready to skate to the same choreography Ivan had planned and when they did, the crowd was in awe. They did the moved at the same time and both moved swiftly and smoothly.
      Matthew was caught off guard a little when he heard someone tell/scream,
     "Ivan! Watch out!"
     Matthew stopped skating when he heard a loud bam on the ice. He looked and saw Ivan who landed face first into the rock hard ice. The crowd when into a loud gasp and Matthew did too. Ivan tried to help himself up, pushing himself up with his two arms but one of them giving up because that was the one he fell on.
    Matthew quickly skated to him as the medical people were about to get onto the ice. He went on his knees and  had him lie down on his stomach, holding his head on his lap.
         "Ivan, are you alright?" He said worriedly. The medical man skated over to them with two other men but Ivan had already fainted on Matthew's lap. The two men carried Ivan off the ice quite quickly but what  made Matthew worry even more when when they said to call 911.
     Arthur went out and helped Matthew off the ice as he felt sick to his stomach seeing Ivan in pain like that. When they got off the ice, Matthew saw Francis holding Alfred tightly by the arm and the security asking him and Gilbert questions.
      "...W-What happened...?"
      Gilbert, Francis, and Alfred noticed Matthew on the verge of tears and the security stepped aside for a moment.
     "Matthew," Alfred started, "I know you're probably asking why I'm here but-"
     "Now, Matthew," Gilbert spoke now, "I can explain this all quickly-"
     "...Who hurt him?"
     It was quiet but before Alfred and Gilbert could argue again, Francis spoke, "Gilbert threw a hockey puck onto the ice and it went too fast. Alfred called for Ivan to watch out and Ivan noticed it but when he tried to dodge it, he hurt himself on the ice."
      "Look, Matthew: I did this for you-"
      "For me? For me?! I never wanted Ivan to get hurt and I told you that my answer was No! I don't want you in my life, Gilbert! I gave you once chance and you blew it!"
      Gilbert lowered his head as the security took him away from their view to answer more questions.
     Alfred pouted, "I'm so sorry, Matt-"
     Matthew hugged him tightly, crying heavily on his shoulder. Alfred hugged back and held him close, trying to comfort him. "I'm so sorry."

     To be continued....

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