Figure 8 For Your Love

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     "Will you marry me?"

      The words rang in Matthew's ears at least a million times in those few seconds to answer. He covered his mouth, at a lost for words. He nodded slightly but just that small action could cause so much joy for a man who was never satisfied in his entire life...until now.

      Ivan smiled with tears in his eyes as he hugged Matthew tightly and Matthew held onto him even tighter.

     "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." Ivan whispered into Matthew's ear, meaning it with all his heart no matter how many times he said it. Matthew only smiled. It was the happiest day of his life. He got to see Ivan again after two months. Ivan proposed to him. And he said yes.

    Alfred wanted to cry so bad for his little brother. Not out of pity but out of happiness and joy. "I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU LITTLE BRO!!!" Alfred litterally just jumped on top of Matthew and suffocated him in hugs and nuzzling until the point where Matthew couldn't barely breathe and Ivan had to rip Alfred off of him.

     For the rest of the day, they just stayed at Matthew's place and talked about random things. Then invited Francis and Arthur to tell them the news. Francis burst into tears when he heard it,

     "I should be a fourtune teller!" He cried, predicting it would happen sooner or later.

    "Shut up you twit!" Arthur said, "You're ruining the moment for all of us!"

     "I'M JUST REJOYCING FOR MY CHILD!" Francis cried again.

     Matthew laughed lightly as he was hugged tightly by
Francis and Ivan was being congratulated by Arthur.

    After having a moment of everyone calming down, the question was finally asked,

    "Are you two going to continue skating?" Asked Arthur.

    The two men looked at each other and thought about it.

    Ivan was the first to speak, "Well, I don't think I am fully ready to continue skating after what had happened on my last performance."

    "I can still skate in the meantime. When our next tournament starts, I can still be apart of it." Matthew said.

    "Matthew," Alfred explained, "You're barely in 5th place right now. I don't think they'll let you back into the next tournament since you quit on the remaining part of the Winner tournament."

    "They will." Ivan smiled, "They need at least five members to have a tournament so Matthew would be in it along with someone else if I'm on a small break."

    "That's right. So Matthew will be able to skate in the next tournament." Francis summed it up.

    "And who knows," Ivan rested his head on Matthew's shoulder, "Maybe Matthew will be one of the top three while I'm having a break."

    Matthew's heart fluttered before he smiled at his now fiance, "Maybe I will."

    "So," Francis started to have sparkles around him, "What kind of wedding would you two like~?"

    Again, the two men looked at each other and shrugged.

   "Francis, we just barely got engaged exactly 3 hours ago." Matthew said.

    "I just want to plan a wedding for someone!" Francis whined.

    "We'll think about it." Matthew and Ivan said before smiling at one another.

     From that day on, whenever Matthew would have a round/tournament, Ivan would always go and see his fans who missed him and cheer on for Matthew. At the same time, Ivan also practiced skating with his healed leg and Matthew even forced him to go to a rebilitation hospital for a few check ups. Ivan was soon in better shape and could even perform his triple-axel once again which he couldn't do when he practiced skating again. Actually, he couldn't even do any flips or tricks for the most part. But now he could, and he didn't even give up, not even one part of the way.  That was what made Matthew so proud of him. And what made him love him.

     The end.

Author's note: Thank you all for your support, comments, votes, and reads! This was supposed to be a project but I continued with it and I loved it and I'm glad you all love it to! I am going to do a Q&A for the next chapter so if you have any questions about the story, character, or just even theories or head canons, comment them and I shall reply for the next chapter! (And yes, of course there is going to be a chapter for the wedding!)



Figure 8 (Ruscan Figure Skating) HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now