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Matthew was now as red as Antino's costumes which were pretty red. "Of course I'll be you're real boyfriend." He smiled, not even having a single thought about what Alfred would do or say. Alfred doesn't control what Matthew does in his life, he does, and it's not his decision if she could date Ivan or not.

Ivan wrapped the smaller male into a nice warm bear hug, catching Matthew a little by surprise. "I love you, little Sunflower."

Matthew smiled and hugged him back, "I love you too."

Snap! Matthew shook his head and looks around. He was with Francis, sitting on a bench with the other skaters, talking and stretching. Francis had just snapped his fingers in front of him. "You're doing off, Matthew."

"O-Oh... I'm sorry, Francis. I just can't stop thinking about what had happened earlier! It was like a wonderful dream!"

"A dream that came true. Calm down, Matthew. Ivan asked you to become his boyfriend barely an hour ago and you're still thinking his words into your head?"

"Like I had said, I just can't stop thinking about it!" Matthew hid his face in his hands, smiling and giggling underneath.

"Ahh... Young love is always the purest kind." Francis rested his head on his hand as he smiled. "Speaking of Ivan, where is he?"

"When you told us to meet you here, we did go back to try hotel and got changed into our costumes. I think he left something back in his room he had to go get but he told me to go without him." Matthew explained.

"Well, since he is in first place in the whole men's figure skating league, we can't start without him. He has to start it off first since he is in first place."

"Stop complaining, frog." Arthur sat next to him along with Alfred. "He'll be here soon, he would never miss a competition."

"I'm just worried, that's all!" Francis spat.

"Doesn't look like it! You just look impatient!" Arthur spat back.

Alfred pulled Arthur away Francis and Matthew pulled Francis away from Arthur. The two coaches only argued more and pulled even closer to each other so they could start fighting.

"Guys, stop! You're making a scene!" Alfred pulled.

"Yeah, please stop, Francis!" Matthew tugged.

As Matthew tugged he saw Ivan walk in holding his duffle bag in one hand and saw them. He walked ofr and smiled, "Need help?" Matthew nodded quickly as Alfred was too busy to notice the Russian. "Ahem." He cleared his throat. Arthur and Francis then noticed the famous skater and sat perfectly straight like nothing had happened.

"Bonjour, Ivan!" Francis smiled nervously.

"Good afternoon, Ivan." Arthur smiled too.

"Hello. Nice to see you two aren't fighting like you normally do." Ivan said, hiding the sarcasticness in his voice as he hid it with a smile. Matthew laughed slightly.

"Okay, Ivan," Alfred looked up at him with his arms crossed and said sarcastically, "Thanks for the help, wow, you're such a hero, now leave."

Ivan glanced at Matthew and looked back at Alfred, "Okay, comrade, I wish you and your brother luck tonight."
"Thanks, friend, now would you kindly leave." Alfred said back. Ivan left and when he passed Matthew he showed him his phone and he went to sit on the other side of the bench where other skaters were sitting in between them.
Matthew pulled out his phone and texted Ivan:

"I saw that, Ivan."

"Saw what, Sunflower?"

"Really? Calling him Comrade and saying it like that?"

"I'm sorry, he just really ticks me off."

"I forgive you, but why do you make it so noticeable?"

"I'm trying not to, I promise."

Matthew leaned down to see Ivan smiling back at him,
"Yeah right." Matthew texted him.

"I guess I'm not much of a great lier." Ivan joked.

The two men put thier phones down when the announcer called for Ivan to start his performance.

"Hey Francis, I'm going to go out on the sidelines of the rink. Be right back." Matthew stood and went out to where he was next to other people and camera men watching Ivan go out on to the ice, wearing his outfit.

The music went on and it was slow this time. For this round, the theme was what the skaters are representing for the tournament. Ivan was representing winter, like his home. He said it calms him to just look outside and see the snow outside his window. The crowd clapped when he landed a triple axel and so did Matthew. He continued to skate and bowed when he had finished.

"Ivan Braginsky: Second Round Points: 8. All Tournament Points: 16."

"There you are, Mattie."
Matthew turned and saw Alfred who was in his costume ready to skate behind him. "Hey, Alfred," He acted like he wasn't just cheering for Ivan. "Good luck."

"Thanks, Little bro." Alfred smiled before he skated onto the ice and the crwod cheered at the sight of him. His song choice was the polar opposite from Ivan's, it was more lively and Poppy, no wonder since he was representing the sun and Ivan was representing the Snow.

Matthew took this advantage to meet Ivan as he slowly crept away into the hallway without his brother noticing as he stared to skate. He saw Ivan putting on his jacket with "RUSSIA" printed on the back, walking away from the other skaters. He was always an introvert with the others, never wanting to talk to them. Matthew sneaked up behind him and hugged him from behind,

"You're performance was amazing, Ivan!"

Ivan reconized the fimiliar voice and smiled as he turned around to hug Matthew back,

"Thank you, Sunflower."

Matthew smiled. Ivan then realized something and pulled away, "I actually have a gift for you."

"You do?" He titled his head.

"Close your eyes."

Matthew did as he was told and shut them lightly, waiting. He felt Ivan take his hand and the soft touches from his gloved hand on Matthew's bare one.

"Now you may look."

Matthew opened his eyes and lifted his hand which Ivan was touching to his face. The gold ring that Gilbert gave him was gone and on his first finger was a ring encrusted with diamonds. "Ivan! It's... Beautiful! How did you even-"

"No need to worry about how I got it but if you're that worried I bought it before I came here. That's why I was little late."

"It's just so..." Matthew couldn't finish his words as he was tearing up, catching Ivan by surprise.

"Ah! Now need to cry, Sunflower! It's alright-"

"Thank you!" He wrapped his arms around Ivan's neck as he was hiding his smiling face on his shoulder. Ivan hugged back softly and kissed his cheek sweetly. Matthew only smiled more and giggled a bit too.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Matthew imediately let go of Ivan and turned away from him, reconizing the sudden voice. Ivan was confused until he saw Alfred right in front of him, glaring.

Ivan smiled and tried to act friendly, "What pleasure it is to see you-"

"Shut it. What the hell do you think you're doing with Matthew?"

"Alfred, I can explain but you are exadrating just small bit. This is not that serious."

"Not that serious? Not that serious?! I finally get a higher score than you but only to see my brother and you hugging and kissing!"

"Stop, you are yelling too loudly." Ivan hated to attract any attention to himself in public.

"Why don't you just stop and leave my brother alone! He's already been heartbroken and he doesn't need to handle it a second time!" Alfred yelled.

To be continued...

Figure 8 (Ruscan Figure Skating) HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now