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 This chapter by be a little longer than the other ones so stick with me here, okay?

  "Wait-...Mr. B-Bradinky?!" Matthew was surprised to see the Russian at his hotel room door. "W-What brings you here?" He gulped.
    "Oh! I came here to congratulate you on your performance in person. I have never seen that high of points for rookie."
     Matthew nodded and was surprised when he realized how fast Ivan had changed out from his costume into the long dark brown coat Ivan was wearing now with his white scarf and black gloves too.
      Arthur and him have the same taste in clothes. He thought.
    "...Thank you, Mr. Bradinsky."
    "No need to be formal, Matthew. Call me Ivan."
    "Thank you, Ivan." Matthew repeated. "I didn't expect you to come here in person. Me, Alfred, Arthur, and Francis just got into our rooms ten minutes ago to get settled."
     Ivan's eyes widened a bit, "I am sorry to interrupt then. I was going to ask if you would be willing to go to  small dinner with me this evening. It will be my gift to welcome you to perfesional skating."

    Dinner? Matthew thought. With a man Alfred deeply hates? He would kill me!
    "Um...well... I'm not properly dressed to go out for dinner right now." He opened the door a little wider for Ivan to see was still in his jacket and costume. "But I would go with you if I was changed."
    After a small moment of silence, Ivan spoke, "I can wait  little while. I can come back later when you are dressed and we could go wherever you want."
    So much for an excuse. "Thank you, again..." Matthew awkwardly said, trying to keep a smile on his face.
    "Can I get your number so you can call me when you're ready?" Ivan asked innocently.
     The Canadian blushed slightly, "O-oh....of course." He went inside and got paper and a pen to write down his number. "Here." He handed the paper to Ivan shyly.
     "Thank you, Matthew. I'll be back  little later, then" Ivan smiled as he walked down to hallway back to his room. Matthew closed his door and locked it again. He sighed.
      I'm going to be having dinner with Alfred's enemy. The worst part is....I gave him my number too. I don't think he noticed he did that so smoothly.

     He went back to his room and changed into a plaid shirt, dark jeans, and black boots lower than his knee but higher than his ankle. He then the on a bomber jacket Alfred gave him for his birthday. It was a light brown with a red maple leaf on the back. It only took him ten minutes to get dressed and comb his hair. It took some courage for Matthew to call Ivan and told him he was ready but Ivan said he needed a minute or two to fix his hair. Matthew understood and waited. He texted Francis when he got bored,
    "Francis, what are you doing?" Matthew sent and after a few seconds, Francis replied,

    "Just took a shower. Why, Mon Cher?"

   "I'm going to go out to dinner, just wanted to let you know."

   "With who? Arthur and Alfred?"

   "No... Ivan invited me to go to dinner with him to congratulate me on the points I received on my performance." Matthew hesitated to press send but he did anyways.
    "That was nice of him. I still remember when he was too shy to talk to anyone like you are now."

     "Anyways, please don't tell Alfred. He'll get angry at me and may even cost me to loose my chance to make a new friend."

     "I won't, Mon Cher. Don't worry, I hope you enjoy your date!"

     "Date?!!!" Matthew sent quickly.

     "Oh! I meant dinner! My apologies!"

     "Riiiiight. Thank you, then."

     Just then, he heard a knock on the door and got up from the couch, walking over to the door. He checked to see who it was and opened it. "Hello. Thanks for waiting on me." He smiled.
     "It is no problem. Ready to go?" Ivan smiled.
     Matthew nodded and closed and locked his door. He followed after Ivan down the hall and into the elevator to go to the lobby. In the elevator, Matthew took a few glances of Ivan to get a closer look at him but started to stare without knowing. Ivan noticed this and looked down at him. (because height difference) Matthew snapped out if it and flinched when he saw Ivan smiling down at him.
     "A-Ah! I'm so sorry for staring!"
     Ivan chuckled, "It is fine. What exactly were you staring at?" He then realized Ivan's accent was really strong.
     "O-oh...I was just admiring your eye color. The purple just looks so...bright..." Matthew stumbled over his own words.
      "Thank you but mine areso pale." He chuckled again, "You're eyes are the same olor as mine but the color is much brighter than mine. So...beautiful." The Russian turned a bit red as he looked away.
       "...I...uh... Thank you." Matthew looked away too, bright red.
        The elevator soon reached the bottom floor and the two men walked out of the lobby into the cold air. They walked down the sidewalks of New York, bright lights wrapped around street poles, people throwing snow balls at the park, laughing and talking, and music heard from the stores and restaurants. It was close to Chriatmas too, only a week away, so there was a lot of people shopping too.
     "So what do you have any ideas of where to eat?" Ivan asked as they were passing by a few restaurants Matthew was eyeing.
     "I'm not sure...What kind of food do you like? I don't want to go somewhere to eat and you're buying if you're not going to eat."
     "How kind of you." Ivan thought for a moment as Matthew waited quietly, "I'll just eat wherever we go.  I'll probably end up getting something warm anyways."
     Matthew nodded and smiled, his breath showing in the cold, "Let's go to the Cafè around the corner. It's small and comfy with drinks and food."

    "Da. Let's go there then." Ivan said as Matthew led the way which was only a few minutes away. They then went inside a small building where the color scheme was a light brown and white. It was warm inside and there was only around five or six round tables inside. They sat down at the table by the front window and a male waiter gave them menus as he gave the other there people there their food.
    "What are you going to get?" Matthew asked after a minute of the both of them looking through the menu.
    "Maybe just a bowl of vegetable soup. You?"
   "I'm planning on getting a toasted sandwich."
    Matthew looked through the menu a little more to see if anything else cought his eye and noticed something which made him laugh a little.
   "What?" Ivan noticed this as was sitting quietly.
   "On here it says, 'Married couples get free meals.' And I just imagined us doing that." He laughed a little more.
    Soon, the same waiter came by and took their orders but then when the waiter said, "Do you need anything else?" Matthew said, "No thank you" but Ivan said, "Yes, one more thing."
     "What would that be?" The waiter asked turning to Ivan who was smiling as Matthew was confused.
     Ivan spoke, "Yes, I saw that married couples eat free and that we are a married couple."

To be continued....




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