Can I ask you something?

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     It had been at least two weeks since Matthew had last seen Ivan, and the last sight of Ivan was not too pleasant for him. His heart was broken and he even had to quit the last round for the tournament because he had no idea where he was.
      He was sitting on his bed back at his house in Canada and he was devastated silently crying that night. Alfred was staying with him that week until the next flight to California was up on that Friday.
      It was dark and cold and lonely. All he could do was just cover his melting eyes with his hands and just cry. Alfred was asleep and snoring in the living room while he was trying to stop tearing up behind his closed door. He missed the last round. He missed his chance to be well-known. He missed everything. He missed Ivan.
      He heard his phone buzz and he saw it was a text. He opened it, hoping it would help relieve his pain. He almost choked on his own tears as he saw it was from Ivan.

        "Hi. How are you doing?" Matthew texted back.
         "I am good. How are you, Sunflower?"
        "I'm good. I miss you so much! It's been forever since I've seen you!"
       "It has and I'm Sorry. I'm actually in Russia and my sisters are taking care of me."
       "Why didn't you tell me?"
       "Because I was scared."
       "Of what?"
        It took Ivan a minute to reply,
        "I was scared for you to think I am weak. And I didn't want you to see me in the condition I was in."
       "Ivan, you are not weak. You're the strongest man I know and it's the truth. You showed me how to not be weak with my emotions and I should praise you for that."
       "You are making me blush, Sunflower."
       "I love you, Ivan. And I always will, no matter if you're hurt or not."
      "I love you too. I love you so so so much and I promise I will come see you soon."
    Matthew smiled at what Ivan wrote and blushed lightly. Matthew texted back,
    "Good night."
    "Oh, right. Different timelines. Good night to you."
     Matthew's tears faded and was replaced by a smile and a small lovable giggle. As long as he knew he was alright, that was all he needed and all he wanted.

      -two months later-

Matthew was on the steps of his stairs and was waiting for Alfred to come back home to scold him for leaving without telling him and for this long, an hour to be exact. When he was waiting, Ivan called him and they just started a nice conversation, almost making Matthew forget why he was on the stairs in the first place.
       "And then he just ate it all whole!" Matthew laughed along with Ivan as he told a short story.
      "Unbelievable." Ivan laughed shortly.
      "No, but he really did it!" Matthew laughed even more at the thought.
       "It was only joke, I believe you, Sunflower. I actually have something to ask you."
     "Hm? Ask? What is it?" Matthew asked.
    "Close you're eyes." Ivan said.
    "Why? We're on the phone."
    "Just do it, please." Ivan pouted.
    "Fine." Matthew closed his eyes with the phone still to his ear. He stopped when he heard the doorbell ring and he stood, "Ivan, I'll call you later," He looked out the peep hole to see Alfred. "It's Alfred and I need to talk to him about something."
      "Da, See you soon." Ivan hung up. Matthew found that a little strange that he said 'see you soon' since he never did say it. He struggled it off and walked to the door, opening it to see his blue eyed brother standing there with an apologetic smile.
      "I see you already know what you've done." Matthew said, crossing his arms.
     "Wait, Mattie." Alfred said quickly, "Before you get mad at me, close your eyes."
      "What?" Matthew was confused since Ivan had told him that when they were on the phone.
      "Just do it." Alfred grinned.
      Matthew sighed in defeat and close them. He heard footsteps and was completely confused and to be honest, a bit scared.
     "Open them."
     He heard another voice that wasn't Alfred's but opened them to see-
    "Ivan!" Matthew hugged him tightly and teared up on his shoulder.
    "I missed you so much Sunflower." Ivan smiled, hugging him back.
    "I did too!" Matthew hugged him even tighter.
    "Can I ask you that question now?"
    "Of course." Matthew nodded, looking at him in the eye now and letting go of him.
    "Well," Ivan started, "I know that we have been together for some time now and every moment of it has always made my heart skip beat more than at least hundreds of times. I can't really explain this feeling but what I want to say is that I love it. And I only feel it when I'm around you, or hear your voice, or see your eyes, or..." Ivan almost trained off but caught himself, "What I'm trying to ask is.."
     Matthew blushed a deep scarlet as he saw Ivan kneel down on one knee and open a small velvet box with a diamond ring inside of it, "Matthew Williams, will you always make me happy and make me feel this feeling always?...oh... Or in other words..." He blushed too, "Will you marry me?"

To be continued...

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