Chapter Twenty Nine

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Although Aubrey was pleased they now had some decent blackmail on Ludo, the lack of spying left her with a lot of time to kill. Their meetings were considerably shorter now and most of the time, they would simply check in, play a bit of magical bin basketball toss before leaving. Aubrey found herself spending most of her time with George, the pair planning pranks and joke products, which was ridiculously interesting - especially now she wasn't on the receiving end. 

It was a few weeks until the Yule Ball and the day started off the same as most others except when she came to find George after supper, instead she found a note on his bed saying:

Gone to deal with Ludo. Will be back later. If I'm not, I'm dead and I expect real tears - George

Getting more involved with Ludo would probably have been a good idea but she was firmly against helping purely because of the excessive blackmail. Using Deatheater dirt against him for the sake of getting her body back already felt questionable, anymore would no doubt have permanent conscience damage. Whilst not intervening with Ludo felt good morally, it didn't fix her current problem: boredom. Angelina was at the pitch for some solo Quidditch practice and Lee, much to her protests, had gone to personally commentate leaving Aubrey truly alone. 

Back when she was still Aubrey, she and her friends would meet in the library around this time of night. Her life had been so busy that she'd hardly thought about it but now that she was alone, the extent of how much she missed them was sinking in. She missed Kenny's dumb nicknames, Angela's love of secrets, even Lexy's excited 'Oh my Gods!'. It would be weird to go there, but she was technically Fred's date, so for the sake of her own solitude, she decided to go there anyway.

When she got to the library, disappointment sunk in as she realised they weren't there. She was about to turn away when a slight squeal came from one of the tables tucked behind a bookcase, the exact squeal that Lexy gave when she got something wrong. Turning around slowly, she noticed her friend hunched over a table, working intently on something. By the looks of it she was alone, but maybe this was for the best; out of her three friends, Lexy was the one she'd spoken to most in Fred form.


Her friend looked up with a start, her pink lips curving into a smile, "Oh, hey Fred, what are you doing here? Wait, did we have Charms homework? Fred, did we have Charms homework?!"

"No, we didn't," She replied with a laugh, "Well if we did, I'm not planning to do it. I just came to sit actually, I miss you, girl."

Being around her friend, briefly made her lose character; she just hoped that Lexy wouldn't notice her slip of the tongue. Sadly, judging by Lexy's suddenly furrowed brow, she hadn't been so lucky.

"What did you call me?"

"Girl," She replied, deciding to go with it, "Angelina got me into it."

"Aubrey says that sometimes," Lexy replied, "It sounded really similar actually ..." For a moment she looked confused, before hitting her head with her hand, "Oh God, I forgot, you two have been hanging out together, that would explain it. Sorry, I must seem like an idiot."

"Nah, you're fine," Aubrey replied taking a seat, paying careful attention to her Fred-like movements, "Sorry, you don't mind if I sit, do you?"

Lexy shook her head, "No, go for it, I'm just trying to finish off some Care of Magical creatures work."

"Where's Aubrey?"

"Sleeping," She replied, "She's been napping more ... since she started hanging out with you actually. Please don't take this the wrong way, but are you testing something out on her again? Because she wouldn't be mad but Kenny might..."

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