Chapter Thirty Nine

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Since the success of the Ludo Bagman drinks, the trio had turned their attention to their next target: the sly Headmaster himself. Whilst Aubrey was initially hesitant, after Fred and George pointed out that the next suspect was probably Kenny, she quickly changed her tune. 

Sadly, the amount of work they did became less and less, the three becoming distracted by silly side tasks such as spying on Lee and Angelina and taking a shot of Butter-beer every time he made an awkward comment. It was clear to everyone involved that George had somewhat of an ulterior motive but Fred didn't bring it up and Aubrey casually stewed in denial.

After a week of planning, the three had one very vague plan to kidnap Professor Dumbledore and tickle his feet until he complied but Aubrey quickly dismissed this because, feet were gross and old people feet? Out of the question. 

The three had finally decided to do serious work after a week of goofing around but sadly there was one flaw: Aubrey didn't show. When Fred arrived at their daily evening meeting, George was sitting alone, idly swinging his feet under the table.

"Where's Aubrey?" Fred asked as he entered, peering underneath one of the desks, partially as a joke but also because Aubrey jumping out wouldn't be out of the question. 

"She's ill," George replied.

"Ill? With what?"

George shrugged, "She didn't say."

"Then how did you know she was ill?" Fred pressed on, feeling a wave of concern washing over him.

Raising an eyebrow, George dryly replied, "Because she was leaning over the toilet vomiting her brains out. You know, I could have pressed her for the reason but I felt that would have been a bit rude, don't you?"

Without meaning to, Fred began to pace up and down a little, much to the amusement of his brother, "We should go and find her."

"No need, I know where she is," George replied, "I think you meant go to her ... 'cos you fancy her."

Fred shot his brother a scowl which only made George's mischievous grin widen, "Well, yeah ... about both but we really shouldn't leave her out of the meetings, she'll get ... annoyed. We can have the meeting in the Gryffindor dorms."

George gave a shrug of his shoulders as he jumped down from the desk, "If you say so. She seemed alright when I said 'Hey, Aubrey, is it okay if I go without you?' but sure ... we're doing this for her."

"We are," Fred insisted, opening the door for his brother as the two left the empty classroom, "What are you still smirking about?"

"Nothing ... I just think you should admit the reason you want to take the meeting to her is 'cos you fancy her," George said, pointing out, "I bet if I were sick, you'd just send Lee to sing me a get well soon song."

"No, I'd do this too."

"Okay, true I would for you too," George replied, "But you have to admit the first part."


"Admit it!"


The two suddenly engaged in a spontaneous mini tussle which ended when Alicia Spinnet, carrying her broomstick, came round the corner, giving them a despairing look before walking on. Although they could continue, the moment was gone and the two walked side by side instead, all the while George grinning like a mad hatter.

• • •

The Fat Lady didn't even complain at Fred coming in, knowing she technically couldn't do anything other than complain to disinterested prefects who had the misfortune of walking by. The common room was bustling as they walked in but both of their eyes instantly came to rest on Lee Jordan who jumped up the moment they came in.

[1] Lemons into Lemonade ✓ | FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now