Chapter Sixty Two

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Now that George and Lexy were under a protection charm, Aubrey felt somewhat calmer, able to enjoy the remaining few weeks up until the Third task a little more. Of course, it wouldn't be foolproof at all times but so long as Mad-Eye didn't find out they were free, Lexy and George hopefully wouldn't get into any death-defying situations. 

The Third Task seemed to arrive remarkably fast, one moment it was in the distant future then the next it was barrelling towards her, coming out of nowhere like First Years in the corridors. They seemed to spend most of the weeks learning new spells: cloaking and summoning charms to ensure the flask switch went as smoothly as possible, no matter the circumstances. Sadly, there were so many unknowns when it came to the task that it was impossible to plan it out as thoroughly as she would have liked. Still, this didn't mean she couldn't prepare, specifically regarding the safety of her friends and this time they were a little ... unconventional. She'd arranged it with Fred beforehand but as she awoke the day of the task, a pit of guilt crossed through her stomach at what she had to do, even if it was admittedly the lesser of two evils. 

All throughout lunch, she couldn't find the effort to smile even when Lexy managed to drop trifle on her lap three times much to Angela and Kenny's dismay.

Are you okay?

Fred asked a few times, clearly picking up on her apprehension to which she simply answered, "No, but I'll get through it."

After lunch, the two girls headed straight for the common room, wasting the hours chatting although all Aubrey simply found herself watching the clock every few seconds, counting down until the evening feast which signified the start of tonight's ordeal. Usually, the two girls left on time but an Imperiused Lexy was just as distracted as a normal Lexy, making it easy to slip off early. The distraction came in handy yet again as Aubrey was able to gently guide her friend away from the Great Hall, towards the Room of the requirement.

Pretty quickly, something in Lexy must have recognised it as she stopped dead, staring at the door, "This isn't the Great Hall."

"I know, hon," Aubrey replied softly, her fingers tightening around her wand as she slowly drew it from her pocket, holding it to her friend's turned back. She and Fred had practised the spell a million times, yet her hand still trembled as she murmured the words, "Coactus Somnunm."

"This isn't the Great Hall, we should really - " Lexy began, unaware of the deep violet light heading straight towards her. Instantly, Lexy went quiet before slumping to the floor, Aubrey catching her in her arms just before she hit the ground. Even though it was hard knocking her friend into a forced sleep, Aubrey managed to override the guilt enough to drag her towards the room of requirement which thankfully sensed her urgency: the stone door becoming wood when she was still a few meters away.

"I've done Lexy, where are you and George?" She asked, Fred coming back instantly to let her know they were close, having been held up by a rather nice family visit. Within a few minutes, Fred entered the room, his unconscious twin slumped in his arms. No words were exchanged between them as they cast the Incaracerous spell, thick ropes springing from their ropes just as practiced and binding their unconscious friends. 

It was only after it was done that Aubrey asked, "We're definitely sure they'll hold?"

"You saw them on me the other night," He replied, "If I couldn't get out of them at full strength, I doubt they will."

Aubrey studied George quizzically, "Well, George is a bit stronger but only marginally so. I think you're right, I'm just reassuring myself."

"Even if he could break through, he won't get the chance," Fred replied, "The spell lasts longer than light or normal stunning, up to a day if we don't wake them up ourselves. Mad-Eye can't harm them."

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