Chapter Thirty Three

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Aubrey looked around, her eyes widening in horror as the redhead was nowhere to be seen. Quickly, Fred grabbed her hand, yanking her away as the pair ducked behind a passing crowd of Seventh years. The only person who noticed was a Professor Moody who at first glowered but quickly returned to humming.

"Where's George?" She whispered, "He was here just a few seconds ago, I swear."

Fred looked around before a smile crossed his voice. Quickly, Aubrey looked in the same direction, dismayed to see that he was simply looking at an empty chair.

"Do you see him?"

Fred shook his head, pointing at an empty place, "Nope, but Ludo's gone too, look. How much do you want to bet that they're connected?"

"Nothing, as I don't want to bet at all, I just want to find them," She replied, bending her head as Lexy glanced their way. The two of them, still crouching, hurried across the room, before accidentally bumping into the back of Lee Jordan who grinned.

"Where are you two sneaking off to?" He grinned.

"Have you seen George?" Aubrey asked, seizing the opportunity.

At this, Lee's eyes widened, "Wait, you're not George? Fred Weasley, you're on a date with Lexy, you can't go off sneaking with her best friend - "

"They switched as a joke," Fred cut in abruptly, "Which is why we need to find George as soon as possible."

"Hmm," Lee scratched his head, "He told me to hold his drink whilst he went somewhere but I don't remember where - "

Suddenly Aubrey cut in, pointing wildly, "There!"

The three of them turned just in time to see George disappear through a door although it didn't look voluntary, for once he looked a little shaken. The moment the door shut, Aubrey and Fred leapt up to full height, dashing after George. The door led to an eerily deserted corridor and the pair rushed to the end, only to hear muffled shouts from one of the deserted classrooms.

"In there," Fred hissed, the two of them rushing over. Aubrey was about to suggest they wait until Ludo left but the idea of leaving his twin brother alone was too much for Fred who pushed open the door. Inside the empty classroom, Ludo was speaking firmly, jabbing his finger a lot at George who, for once, looked a little nervous. Standing at his full height, Ludo really was a terrifying sight, especially with his features screwed up into an angry snarl.

" - the pair of you were too young to be gambling anyway - "

Fred interrupted with a shout of "George!" before charging forwards, stopping just short of Ludo, as he realised he wasn't quite prepared to fight.

"Fred, you won't believe this," George said, looking at Aubrey as he spoke, "He says he won't give us any money back - "

"And rightly so," Ludo replied stiffly, "Far too young to be gambling and nobody would believe a pair of youths over me - "

"I'm sure they could be persuaded if we used a pensieve," Fred snapped back, "Especially considering you were pissed that night, wonder who they'd believe them."

"And who exactly would you show this to?" Ludo said, his mouth curved into a nasty smile, "You're not getting a knut of your money, I don't deal with people as young as you anyway. Now if you'll excuse me I have to return to the dance as unlike the three of you, people will notice my absence."

"Well, I'm sure even a reputable figure such as yourself could have his reputation taken down a notch if we informed them of you little gambling habit!" Fred yelled after him, shaking his head in anger as he turned back to the other two, "Scum of the Earth, that man is. George, you alright? Why'd he take you out here?"

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