Chapter 1

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The hero of our story is a normal girl (that's what she thought but not for a long time) called "Skye". A student in high school. She's courage, smart strong and wise (That's why she was choosen). She would sacrifice her life to save anyone she loved.

It was the start of a new year at school. Skye was on her way to school thinking about the first day which will be full of homework and new lessons. She went to her class, found her best friend waving for her who booked her a seat next to her at the end of the class like she liked, sitting behind so teachers won't notice her sleeping. Also, it was next to the window so it was an ideal place.

-"So how was your summer holiday?" Her friend asked.

-"It was a little normal. My grandpa stayed with us, he has been telling me about the books he wrote that were talking about devils, vampires and the evil world...and you?"

-"I went to camp with my family in the forest and we also went to the mountains."


The teacher entered "Good morning! I wish to spend a nice year together."

-"Good morning!"

-"Before we start, we'll have a new student. Treat him politely."

The other students whispered "I wish he'll be a boy."

"Do you think he'll be handsome."

-"Come, enter now."

He was really handsome but she didn't care. She gave him a quick look and looked again at the window.

-"Please, introduce yourself."

-"Hello! My name is "Taehyung". I came from a nearby town. I wish we can be friends soon."

He looked at her but she didn't notice

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He looked at her but she didn't notice.

-"Ok, go and find you a seat."

He sat in front of her.
It was the break. The class was talking about the new boy. He turned to her "So what do we have next?"

-"It's science."

-"Thanks, what's your name?"

She didn't talk for 2 seconds or 3 then she responded "Skye, and you Tahong, right?"

He laughed "No, it's Taehyung. You weren't focusing."


The other girls felt jealous when they saw him talking to her.

-"You aren't adapted with the other students, are you new here?"

-"No, they're just too normal. I hate normal people, you'll think I'm a little crazy."

-"Not at all, you have reason. They're all the same, nothing special."

They started talking and they discovered that they had a lot of things in common.

Days passed, Skye started to have feelings towards him but she didn't know if it was love or not. One day, they were going back home together.

-"Why will you leave? You didn't like our school?" Skye asked.

-"I'm sorry but my grandma is very ill so we'll have to stay with her, just for two months. Will you miss me?"

-"No, I mean...I'm just asking." She said while blushing.

He smiled "Okay but can you promise to do something?"

-"Of course, what's it?"

He took a beautiful red necklace in the shape of a heart.

-"Can you take care of this necklace? It's really important to me but I'm sure it'll be in safe with you

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-"Can you take care of this necklace? It's really important to me but I'm sure it'll be in safe with you."

-"It's so beautiful. Don't worry, I'll never take it off. Thank you, I loved it."

-"That's what I wanted to hear. Okay, I have to go now, bye."


He walked and suddenly stopped after few steps and turned to her -"Also, take care of yourself. You can call me if you needed anything."

She blushed hardly "I'll do. You too, take care of yourself."

-"Okay, goodbye."


She put on the necklace and continued her path, thinking that maybe she started to love him.

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