Chapter 5

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~Back to the human's world~

Skye's mother was knocking on her daughter's room "Skye wake up, you should be in the school. You overslept, wake up, Skye...Skye!!"

There was no answer.

"I'll enter now!"

She opened the door, she didn't find anyone, all what she found some books on the floor "That untidy girl but where did she go? I'm sure she didn't go to school."

She quickly called the school's management to make sure if she went.

"No Madame, Skye didn't come today."

That was their answer, after hearing those words the mother didn't know what to say "T..T..Thank" and closed the phone.

"She isn't in her room and not at school. Where could she be? Maybe she went to the park, she always went there when she has a problem." The mother said to herself.

She went quickly out of the house and like she was wishing, she found Mr.Dane, the neighbour who has only one job and it's to sit in front of his house's door and to watch people going and returning.

She asked him "Mr.Dane, did you Skye today going out of the house?"

-"No madame, is she ill? She didn't even go to her school, I'm sure she didn't go out of the house, is she okay anywa-?"

The mother has already gone to her house.

"Impolite neighbours." The man said.

The mother called the police and they answered "Good morning"

She said in a crying voice "Sire, my daughter, she is lost. I can't find her anywhere. Please help him."

-"Okay, calm down madame, we'll try to find her. Describe your daughter."

She said the description never forgetting one detail. They also wanted the house's address, they said "Okay, we're coming. We must look in the house if there was any guide to her place."

-"Thank you." She replied and then sat on the floor crying and prayed "Please God, wherever she was, please protect her."

Skye's friend was going back to her house when she passed by Skye's house. She found the police cars surrounding the house. She was surprised and ran quickly and entered the house.

Skye's mother was sitting on a chair crying and next to her the detective asking a lot of questions. He finished and went away. Her friend went quickly to Skye's mother and asked "What happened?"

-"I can't find Skye, she's lost." The mother asked while crying.

The girl said to herself "That's strange. First, Taehyung disappeared from school without telling anyone the reason and now Skye. I wish she could be okay."

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