Chapter 7

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-"Are you Skye?" He asked.

-"Y..Yes, how did you know?"

-"Your friends were looking for you."

-"Yoongi and Jimin, right?"

-"Yes, I think so."

-"But are you one of those six?"

-"I'm Jungkook, a werewolf."

He continued "And you're the choosen one, you're lucky I won't attack you

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He continued "And you're the choosen one, you're lucky I won't attack you."

They continued talking while going back to Yoongi and Jimin.

-"Why would you attack me?"

-"You're a human and humans are the biggest threat for wolves and animals."

-"Don't you live in the world of magic, where humans don't exist? How can they be a danger?"

-"The creatures of the world of magic can go to the human's world, if they liked. I came because you have delicious preys but one time I got attacked by one of the hunters. You humans have no mercy, you can do anything and kill anyone for your sake."

-"Yeah, you have reason. How will we find them?"

-"That's easy. Cover your ears."

He stopped and transformed into a wolf and then he howled. The sound was really strong.

-"Why did you do that?" She asked.

She heard a familiar voice saying "Skye are you okay?"

It was Yoongi, he seemed afraid.

-"I'm fine. Where did you go?"

-"We're the ones who must ask you this question." Jimin said "That place isn't safe at all."

-"Did something happen with you?" Yoongi asked.

-"Yeah, after you disappeared, your clone forced me to come with him then my mother's clone appeared and it tried to kill me but I think I began to use my magic."

-"He began to act." Jungkook said "I'm sure he's the one who did that."

-"You mean the magician, right?" She asked.


-"I told you he'll try to kill you before the day where the moon will turn to red." Yoongi said.

-"We must be more careful" Jimin said.

"We can't let him have her, you're lucky because Jungkook found you."

-"I forgot, thank you for saving me." Skye said while bowing.

-"It's okay, it's my duty now as you're our savior." He replied.

-"It's our duty, all the three of us and the other three have to protect her." Yoongi said.

-"Why're afraid like that?" She asked.

-"You don't understand, it isn't easy to survive here. Even if you're able to use magic, you're still a rookie." He replied.

-"Ok, I got it. Stop worrying about me like that."

-"I'm not worried about you. I just want to protect you because-"

She said with a little anger "I know because I'm the only one who can get you out from here. That's the only thing you're saying since I saw you. You don't have to repeat it. You're so annoying." She didn't care about what she said.

He was surprised, he didn't except someone to be talking to him with that way.

-"Hey, speak more politely, did you forget I'm the Lord of vampires?"

-"Tsk, like I care. Come on, I want to get out from here as quick as possible."

Jimin told Yoongi "You made her mad."

They began to follow her, Jungkook tried to break the silence so he spoke to her with a low voice "So do you know where you're going?"

-"N-No, are forests the only thing that exist here?"

-"I remember there's a dark a castle but I'm not sure where it's. Hey, don't get mad at Yoongi. He isn't good at speaking. He acts like he doesn't care but he really worries about you. Believe me."

-"I'll try."

They saw a strong light coming from the end of a path full of black trees.

They saw a strong light coming from the end of a path full of black trees

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-"That way." She said.

-"Are you sure? I don't think it's safe." Jimin said.

-"The risk is the way to survive in this world. We'll be safe if we stayed together."

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