Chapter 13

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Finally, she saw her mother and she has to live a normal life again but it won't be boring if she can use magic. She missed those boys, it was an interesting adventure, maybe she'll write a book about it (I forgot to say, she loves writing fantasy stories).

The other day, she went to her school like a normal student. All her friends missed her.

-"I worried about you." Her friend said "Your sudden disappear was strange and Taehyung didn't come to school too. I wonder where he's."

-"Yeah, me too. Wherever he was I wish he enjoys his life."

-"Your words are strange too."

The teacher entered "Oh Skye, you have finally come!"

She has to listen again to this gossipy. Like the teacher wanted to show Skye how much he missed her, he gave them a sudden exam. Maybe little magic won't be bad.

Suddenly, the cup of tea felt and the tea damaged all the papers. The teacher was annoyed but the students didn't share the same feeling.

"Yoongi, you said I can use it in necessity, I didn't do something wrong."

Few days passed and one day, she was sitting in her room, a bat entered by the window. It had a letter between his mouth, she took it and that was written:

Hi, Skye!
I'm Yoongi, I wish you're okay. We decided to celebrate our return to the magic world and we wanted you to be with us. You were our savior. Please come! It'll be the next week in the vampires kingdom, open a gate near the forest, I'll be waiting for you, I'm the one who should protect, those vampires can smell your blood and attack you in anytime and Jungkook wants you to bring some sweets with you! Still little baby! And Namjoon says that he'll train you how to use your magic, he'll make you more powerful.
Reply soon! Bye.

She relied saying:

Of course, I'll come, wait for me! I wanted to see you so much.

She puts her reply in the bat's mouth and it disappeared.

The end

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